Playhouse Lounge
1205 US Route 130 N
Burlington, NJ 08016
First time visit question about dance rooms
Just got back and had a fun time, but does anyone else find the cameras in the dance rooms to be a bit disconcerting? I meant to ask the woman I went back with but once her top came off it escaped my mind.
I think this is true in most clubs with cameras.
That being said, the dancers don’t seem to be concerned, which is a good sign.
If it was my club I would just have the cc feed from dance rooms but not record anything. I have no idea if there is any reason they have to record, can’t see any insurance reasons and don’t think there is state or local ordinances requiring it.
I continue to read about this place and I am amazed. Sounds as good as TJ.
Just pick the one you want, generosity and charm, and get a Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session going, then back room, then out the door with her.
No one should settle for these "wanna dance" CLIP JOINTS!
Need to hear from people who know, about this most promising sounding club.