Would u guys want ur kids to get a degree from an unranked college, assuming u w

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Btw u only have. 5% chance at making a six figure salary from an unranked law school.me making than have a 95% of not being able to pay 300 K back from those schools. LOL.

Can u guys believe iceyy? LOL.


last comment
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
OK Nicole, being a good lawyer is all about being in the top 10% of your class at a top 10% school and everything will be handed to you on a silver platter coz you have good grades and all the cute lawyers will wanna cuddle with you coz of it. And everyone else is ugly and stupid and you're smart coz you read it and hundreds of lawyers and law school students told you.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
No..being (an employed working lawyer) involves going to a RANKED LAW SCHOOL, which includes schools ranked below 50 as well.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
it involves graduating from law school and passing the bar
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
You sound like a spoiled brat elitist douche bag on this thread Nicole.
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
Skibum, I actually agree with you on that.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@skibum what ????

Just wanna to clarify ...so i if I said to forget about being a lawyer unless u go to a top school , I see how that would make me elitist.

But you're telling me I sound elitist because I'm saying that the only law schools worth attending are those that are RANKED ? How the fuck is that elitist ? Let me tell you something..it isn't..cuz you can get into many of those schools with a 3.0 GPA, which isn't elitist cuz elitist means selective and that isn't selective cuz that's what need for a bachelors degree type job anyway. ..

So no it isn't elitist I'm shocked....
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I'm offended.how the fuck is saying that one should go to a ranked law school elitist? SKIBUM u call out ppl for being puss so don't call me elitist when the statistics for going to an unranked school show that you only have a 40-50% chance at best of being hired as a lawyer

And how is saying you need to maintain a 3.0 in undergrad to go to a decent law school elitist when 3.0 is the average GPA ?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Nicole I believe that less than 5% of the entire United States population earns more than a six figure salary, use that as a reality check.
Another interesting statistic is there are more law school graduates that don’t practice law than there are lawyers tells to something as well.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Omg you guys misunderstood me on the 6 figure salary..trust me I don't even know if I Wil make near that much ..


Y'all totally misunderstood me.taking debt to go to school is ok . even at an unranked school.but SIX FIGURE DEBT AT AN UNRANKED SCHOOL IS A WAY DIFFERENT SCENARIO
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
"No..being (an employed working lawyer) involves going to a RANKED LAW SCHOOL, which includes schools ranked below 50 as well."

That is absolutely false.

Going to a top 14 school is great, but a person going to a lesser ranked school can still achieve success and become a successful lawyer. A lawyer I know of (not the one I primarily work for, but one I have dealt with here and there) went to a good undergrad school (same one I went to for undergrad) but had no chance of getting accepted to their law school. Instead, he attended the worst law school in the state because he tanked the LSAT, and he now owns his own firm, albeit a small one, and makes over 250K annually from his firm alone, in addition to working as a public attorney for the local district court when he has the extra time, just because he's a hard worker. He went to an "unranked law school" and is doing very well for himself. He also was a non traditional student, didn't even go to law school until his 30s, and passed the character and fitness despite having a felony for drug possession when he was younger.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
y'all totalllyyyy misunderstood me ..

My literally fought my family when I told them I was ok with making 60k I even made a post about that lmao

I'm just saying that going to school in 300 K debt is different than going to school with 60 i debt and if youre gonna pay 300 K back in loans u obviously need to make close to 6 figures
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Going to a top 14 school is great, but a person going to a lesser ranked school can still achieve success and become a successful lawyer

.I didnt dispute that. ..??? I even said going to a school ranked below 50 is ok..

my post was about UNRANKED SCHOOLS.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
my post was about UNRANKED SCHOOLS.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Btw I was looking at lower ranked schools the other day sooooo I don't have a problem with them lol... Might go there myself who knows
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
The lawyer that I mentioned went to one of the shittiest law schools in the state, probably in the entire Midwest, and owns his own law firm. Successfully. By your standards, it is unranked. If it were ranked for anything, it would be for being one of the worst law schools in its region.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I just wanna graduate #1 in my class regardless of where I go (hello working with judges) k I'm done
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
Well you won't, so stay done.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
By your standards, it is unranked. If it were ranked for anything, it would be for being one of the worst law schools in its region

Ok so stop assuming and putting words in my mouth please..I just told you that a low ranked school is still ranked .this post is only referring to unranked schools which I have already stated....
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
Then what do you mean by "unranked"? Can you specify, or are you confusing unranked with being unaccredited? Because the law school the lawyer I mentioned who successfully has his own firm and makes well over 250K annually, went to a law school that has "ranked" as low as number 196 out of the 206 accredited law schools in the US. So by "unranked," I'm not sure if you are confusing that with law schools that are unaccredited by the ABA, because any accredited law school can be "ranked."
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think Nicole is out of touch with reality when it comes to law school and the legal field. Its just not the way she thinks it is.

Graduating and passing the BAR is whats important. And once you get a job, the longer you work, the less anyone cares about where you went to school and your grades definitely don't matter, nor does your graduation standing.... Its a performance oriented field.

And being a lawyer isn't about arguing....you'll get sanctioned for being uncooperative if you argue like you do on here.

My advice is get a job at a legal office as soon as you can, get a taste of what the legal field is really like.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Get a high enough LSAT and you can go for very little out of pocket. A score high enough may mean no or little tuition even at top schools. Based on your statements of your scholastic capabilities this should be no issue, correct?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LOL she'll prepare for the LSAT during her free time between manic posts.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Icey, there are different kinds of lawyering. Some do not depend on what school you graduated from, and excessive argumentation does not help. But Nichole is interested in the federal bench and constitutional issues. Very different.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Thx sjg!!!

Appellate law= all about oral arguemnts

What are oral arguments ? Arguments .
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
Appellate will require the same amount of "arguing" as many areas of law; however, it is not the bickering you and I and others do here; the "arguments" are possibly in the hands of someone's freedom, and they require intense preparation, along with the consideration, that the lower court may have made a mistake, etc.

You want to know one thing you have to really excel at to become an appellate attorney? Writing. Specifically writing and typing, which you have shown you are incapable of. Challenging a conviction with an appeals court requires extremely particular wording because case law already sets precedent on maby convictions, and briefs for appellate law take a while and need to be extremely meticulous.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ Remember, lawyers have to know how to argue with other lawyers. Appellate and up is like that. Also, some civil cases depend upon complex arguments, and getting juries to accept them.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
^many is what I meant lol not maby.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
however, it is not the bickering you and I and others do here

...yeah.I know.......................
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And who's the one that initiates the bickering ? Not me. Lmao i don't like dumbass bickering

I like intellectual debate, which Is What appellate is.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@ sjg sorry I didn't mean appellate..I just wanna be a senator lol.if that doesn't work then I wanna do appellate..which is also really hard to get...but it is worth giving it my all..which hopefully i can resume doing after I pick my classes which Is hard for me to decide right now cuz currently I don't like either of the professors :( ugh
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LMAO so says the bipolar attention whore that creates at least one bickering thread per day on average. LMAO too many dumbass bickering threads to count!
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
My point was that I don't bitch at people and start stupid fights..that's the bickering I we referring to and the definition of bickering that was relevant
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LMAO and you should review your own discussion history because you've bitched and started trolling fights constantly. LMAO your own bickering threads created support your own point, LMAO dumbass. Just reviewed your own thread titles and it is obvious you meet your own definition of bickering. ROFLMAO!!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
A lot of your more critical lawyering does depend on finding other ways of framing arguments, other angles. This could be appelate, but it could also be civil cases. Sometimes even with criminal cases there will be curious situations which are subject to multiple interpretations.

That top level of lawyering is very competitive, and what school you graduate from does matter, as well as class standing.

I'd like to see Nicole replace Brett Kavanagh.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Cuz 2/200 plus posts is an accurate measure?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LMAO FYI there's a lot more than BOTH 2 AND 200, dumbass.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
A lot of your more critical lawyering does depend on finding other ways of framing arguments, other angles..

At sgj exactly . that's what law school exams are all about which I'm sure u know.they give u a hypothetical fact situation and ask how it should be decided based on court reasoning and ask you to frame the case accordingly .

On these exams at my school which has a great public law program for undergrad, i got 97 and above on those tests with a few 100 in between ..and that was in a class that was graded based on a curve with all the pre law students at UT, a fraction of which are currently at top 8 law programs .

My professor told me she loved how hard I worked and that I had insightful knowledge of the reading and told me she would support me in any way in the future and she randomly emailed me a few wks ago to ask how I was doing ....

Anyway...Nicole replacing Brett kavaunsugh ?

No. See i don't think I would be bad at law school tests but you gotta be top of the top for to be brett kauvanaugh level. While I have always dreamed of graduating as close to #1 for law school as possible , I won't be surprised if I graduate only in the top 40% ....but I do feel that I have what it takes to kill it, but only time will tell.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole, Its usually in your clients best interest to negotiate a settlement. Unless they have unlimited funds they're willing to spend so you can listen to yourself argue. Every communique you make and respond to costs your client money.... remember that. They're not gonna care about grades or where you went to school or your class standing, the judge won't care and the opposing counsel won't care either....nor will your boss or coworkers... What they'll care about are the results you get in the case.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
They're not gonna care about grades or where you went to school or your class standing, th

U j
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
U know what does care about all that though? The federal judges I wanna work for
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Who does care about all that **
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Not really
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You want a clerkship?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Ummm yeah...and no just any. Court of appeals would be a dream
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Federal court of appeals *
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
San Diego has possibly the lowest ranked law school in the country. It notoriously is easy to get into but has a terrible bar passage rate.

The thing with Law school rankings is if you have high LSAT scores and are a good student, you could probably do well at a top tier school, or a middle tier school, or a weak school.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@James what u talking about..univ. San Diego law has 77 percent bar rate which is definitely not low..thats higher than state average 4 cali
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And their average scores r still high. ..they're relatively easy to get into but not objectively easy I would think . still gotta put in work 2 get in
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
This is pointless. Believe what you want but when reality hits you'll be surprised.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Brett Kavanaugh is a legal genius; a fantastic judge and the victim of filthy dirty lies and tactics from the reprehensible vermin we call progressives. Anyone ever notice that all these fake claims that come out of the blue years later are always left wing women and never normal ones?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Kavanaugh a legal genius???? For what? Wanting to outlaw insurance coverage for contraceptives? He's a nut job weaseling and manipulating his way into positions of authority.

Alan Dershowitz is a real legal genius...
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Just cuz I don't like kauvanaugh doesnt mean that im gonna deny that hes a legal genius .

He graduated #1 in his class from Yale.

Unlike you iceyy I give respect where it's due. ..got to respect someone with a crazy ass work ethic .
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Idk, some people actually value hard work and merit while others just value the minimum- passing(the bar) . lol.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And btw..im.sure passing it is no easy feat..my dumbass is nowhere near close to taking that thing.

That was not point. My point was that simply just passing is not the epitome of accomplishment like u claim, because everyone has to pass that test - so its just thr minimun.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Thomas Jefferson law school is awful. USD is good
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole you said Ivy League shit doesn't matter. Now you're fawning over the idiot coz he graduated number one from Yale. Let me guess, you assume that's why he is where he is. Not his ability to manipulate his way to the top and his connections lol

You want to admire someone, look at people like Dershowitz who have actual legacies to leave behind.

Your obsession with ranking isn't gonna get you anywhere and I'm giving you sound real life advice. You won't get it til reality hits you.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Dershowitz has a legacy, that’s funny, all anyone knows about him Is he’s famous for being famous, sort of the Paris Hilton of lawyer’s.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nicole you said Ivy League shit doesn't matter

It didn't matter in the sense that I don't think its the end be all..

And its okay if u don't have it..but just cuz it doesnt matter doesn't mean it isn't worth acknowledging.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
becoming partner whether or not you went to an ivy is still a huge achievement .

An achievement is an achievement , and an academic accomplishment is no different .

I'm sorry that you're such a bad a sport that for some reason, you find it ok to acknowledge an accomplishment in one field such as someone who goes to an unranked school and makes money but you can't have the same respect for someone who is equally accomplished but in another field (academics) .

I never said that school was because it certainly isn't, all I said was that to be accomplished is to be accomplished , and being #1 in your law school class(especially at a top 30 school) is a huge accomplishment , to the same extent if not greater than becoming partner.

I am not the one who selectively chooses to praise an accomplishment in one area but not thr other , THAT IS WHAT YOU RESORT TO DOING .
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I am not the one who selectively chooses to praise an accomplishment in one area but not the other , THAT IS WHAT YOU RESORT TO DOING .
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole, your arguments are repetitive, irrelevant and have previously been propounded..... Accomplishment as such is an empty label loaded with connotations that amount to nothing short of opinion.You are very free to deny the facts....which trump your' "versions" "views" "opinions" and "feelings" on the matter at hand.However, If we were in court I'd be granted an objection based on the fact that your repetitive, bellicose arguments are oppressive and harassing and serve nothing but to provide random tangents for your rants furthering the semantic duplicity which they are misinterpreting and misidentifying. #REALITY
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
They aren't harassing ? They did not serve to demean or belittle or abuse anyone. I never talked down on anyone or anything

BTW, you are committing a logical fallacy (again ) by trying to make urself look better.

We both know there are "accomplishments " that have no merit and accomplishments that do

Getting into USC just because your family is famous is not an accomplishment

..but outcompeting a super hard working group such as law students and winning is an accomplishment (otherwise everyone would be doing it- DUH)
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
I can't believe you're still on this.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I'm done. You don't even understand basic legal terms or legal arguments yet come on here pretending like You're some legal prodigy.....like I said if you want to argue like a brat good luck finding clients willing to pay you for it.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
You don't even understand basic legal terms or legal arguments

But somehow I did decent at minimum on tests that examined us about the application of supreme court reasoning to new cases ?

yet come on here pretending like You're some legal prodigy.

Oh..because I state my views about law school, a subject that you open the conversation to ? By your own same logic, I guess you must be a prodigy as well cuz u do the same thing. Lol.....
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Don't think stating ur views makes u a self proclaimed prodigy

U know what does tho? Asserting the superiority of ur own opinions, which is what u do by labeling me as unrealistic ..and that is something I have never done.lol.

Again, love it how y'all call me bratty etc when I'm not the one that does the name calling.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You didn't understand what I said and couldn't apply what you learned. The whole purpose of learning shit is to apply it. I dont care about your grades or classes. You didnt understand legal terms nor legal arguments. That's very telling.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
If you wanna be on a winning team though. Legal or otherwise hit me up and I'll help ya out pretty lil thing
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
The whole purpose of learning shit is to apply it

You can't tell someone that they can't apply legal arguemnts when they have repeatedly been tested over exactly that- applying legal arguments,not memorizing them .
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
You didn't understand what I said and couldn't apply what you learne

^ thats fine . I'm.not asking you to tell me sorry for having called me unrealistic .What I'm saying is that for you to have called me that makes you the bratty one with their nose in the air, and not me

If anything, I have never engaged in such ridiculing and therefore do not deserve to be called bratty .
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Nicole, you've expressed concern about how much money lawyers get.

Of course lawyers do many types of things, but you seem interested in the Senate and the Federal Bench.

Well have you looked at what money these people get, SCOTUS, lower courts, US Senate, State Courts, Deputy DA's and Public Defenders.

And then as this information will all be easily available, look at where these people went to school, and then how they started their careers.

I know of the daughter of some friends who just did a stint law clerking in Hawaii.

And of course there is always corporate lawyering for people who want to advance their interests in the federal court. And them some of the people who do this will also be law school professors. I am sure many go into teaching in the law schools mostly to advance their reputation and status, with an eye on handling big cases and eventually the federal bench.

Here I see that most of those who want to work in the local criminal system do start out in the DA or Public Defender's Offices. Many will eventually end up as judges.

And then I have been one of the activists in the audience in some local high profile criminal trails. The room usually has lots of law school students, and lots of interns with either the DA or the Public Defender.

Low level criminal court stuff really destroys families and lives. We have activists who try to interdict this by taking charge of the situation, starting from the arraignment.



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avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nicole, you've expressed concern about how much money lawyers get.

No I don't. I was never concerned. I only talked about money in the context of going to an unranked school and taking 300 k in debt

When you take 300 k in debt, of course you need to think about money cuz how else are u gonna pay 6 figures in debt.
However, like I said, I was only talking about money in the context of taking on lot of debt

If a person goes to school with minimal or even average debt , money is not relaly a concern for me or anyone

As for me, money is also not a concern becaue I am perfectly fine with a 50 k salary and don't plan on taking on much debt

So again, u misunderstood me.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Have you looked at pay scales for say, the federal bench and the US senate?

Have you looked at where people went to school and at how they got to where they are?

Tainted Trials Stolen Justice

Our county has about 12,000 felony cases per year. But only 1 in 40 go to trial, to make for 300 trials. The conviction rate is 98%.

Most felony convictions are appealed. But very very few are overturned.

Reporter Frederick Tulsky put together a panel of experts, Law School Professors and Retired Appeals Court Judges. Though he doesn't say this openly, he was getting people who were qualified to be Appeals Court Justices. He made his own court.

They reviewed the 700 most recent felony appeals. In over 1/3 of them they found problems of the level of Judicial Misconduct, Obstruction of Justice, and complete incompetence.

He found things people should have been disbarred for.

So most of the heat was directed at our long term DA, George Kennedy, who was retired, along with the disbarring of a Deputy DA.

But the real problem seems to have been with our 6th District Appeals Court, who were allowing horribly dirty convictions to stand. They were over turning too few. And they were publishing far to few, so that the decisions could not be cited as precedents.

Not sure how much has changed today, as a very high conviction rate is still seen as a political necessity.

Here, you can find the rest of the series here, just keep loading more to get to it.

The son of a friend of mine is serving a live sentence, widely known to have had a horrible trial, presided over by a horrible judge. He is mentioned in the series as having a trial which was completely improper.


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avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole I like you. I'm just saying legal arguments are different. I have absolutely nothing against you as a person. The legal shit is just different and you'll learn when you graduate from law school
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Nicole, do you agree that young people in college are forced to make too many long lasting decisions, about things which they don't really know that much about, and too early?

This college debt thing really stinks, no good comes from it. We need to make college free.

Not sure how the Bernie Sanders proposal was to have worked, but I think he has written a book about it.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nicole, do you agree that young people in college are forced to make too many long lasting decisions, about things which they don't really know that much about, and too early?

Hmm a little but I feel like there's a way to avoid that kind of pressure. ..its hard but I think its possible
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ Well if you can figure that out, please let us know about it. And probably you would do very well to write a book about it.

The British born Astrophysicist Freeman Dyson never tired of denouncing our German derived PhD system for exactly those reasons.

And then there is:

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