P4P vs free with Civie

This discussion has definitely been had before, possibly on this site, but... as the title says, which do you favor? How do you characterize the two? And not only in terms of degrees of pleasure, but also in principle--which is better? Which is more real (as some people say, every woman is a whore)? Which has worse repurcussions?
Are whores and strippers generally better lays?
Are whores and strippers generally better lays?
That said, very few things in life on any level will beat an intense and intimate sexual session with someone who you have a true emotional attachment with.
•it's free
•more feeling and passion with the sex
•no time limit with the sex
•it's free
•you feel better about yourself
•last but not least it's free
With a pro I can end it at any time. With a civilian there is much more drama
For the sex - a pro works best.
And the free civie sex - really isn't free. There's always someway you pay...
Everything is P4P to you because trust me, very few people actually like lawyers but they do like their money and will kiss ass.
This past weekend I was in Detroit and had sex lined up all weekend with a cute civvie who is probably one of the freakiest girls I've ever been with. It's free, she has a good job and wants nothing from me, we always split expenses evenly (dinners, hotel, etc.)
I met a stripper at flight club I'd love to bang, and I probably will eventually, even though I have free sex right down the road. To me (most of the time) it's not whether it's P4P or free, it's the thrill of the hunt and conquering someone new, and that is the experience that counts to me.
I've made very emotional deep love to strippers I've paid and I've had boring get it over with sex with civvies so I don't think you can categorize a certain type of sex with either type (civvie or P4P). I think it's more about the connection you establish with the person. A stripper can still want to have sex with you, be attracted to you and even like you and still accept money for doing the deed. You're supposed to enjoy your business transactions and they are allowed to as well.
Your last paragraph ^
it is nice to see a a like minded individual on here.