
Kicking Myself

Maybe you remember, but if not you can check my profile, my post a while back about me planning a trip to Kandy's. The TL;DR of that post was that I was planning on driving 8 hours to go back to a small strip club where I had a great time. While I did read everything you guys wrote, after much consideration I decided I was gonna go back to Kandy's, with possibly a stop at some places that were suggested, but I'd spend most of my time at Kandy's.

Well, let me catch you up. I decided to go, booked a hotel room, found someone to cover my work shift, and made up sufficient stories to tell people that I didn't want to tell I was going 8 hours to a strip club. Well, it was supposed to be this week. I was supposed to be able to leave late Thursday morning, arrive Thursday night, spend the next three nights visiting the happiest place on Earth (that I've found) and then head back to the doldrums of reality.

I had kinda been getting cold feet about the money I was thinking about spending, but I decided that I didn't HAVE to spend all of it. Also, my ATF (in my short strip club experience) has left, so I was a little worried about the quality of girls. (I haven't written a review about my time with the ATF at Kandy's.) I knew there would still be at least a couple I liked, and who knows who else would be there. So I was pretty okay in that regard too. I'd say Saturday night I was the most excited about a trip I had been in a long time. But...

Last Friday I had a class cancelled. Since class was cancelled, a test I was supposed to have Wednesday got pushed back to this Friday. I really, really need to do well on this exam, so I need to spend as much time as I can studying. Last night I made the decision to not go. Told everyone I was staying because this test was super important and it would take a day off my trip and that short of a time wouldn't be worth the drive.

The reasons I gave myself were: 1) I really, really need to do well, so I'm going to give myself every minute I can to think of questions to ask and really learn the material, 2) My ATF left, there's a chance my second favorite (who easily could've been ATF) may not be there (maybe she'd get sick or something, then I'm left with girls that I'm not that into. A big risk for an 8+ hour drive), and 3) Maybe I can actually put that money to better use.

Well, since I cancelled my trip, I've realized that I'm bored. I've been looking forward to this for a while and it was gonna be a good time to relax and get away from stress and boredom for a couple of days. Also, since I'm apparently a masochist, I decided to check Kandy's Facebook page. There I read that... the ATF is still there. Fuckin' great. I'm still struggling with this material for the test. Work sucks. There's gonna be a feature dancer there that puts on fire shows.

Not going may be the worst decision I have ever made (okay, not close, but let me wallow in self pity). I'm really kicking myself. Someone go and tell me about it. Fuck.


  • greenball99
    9 years ago
    This reads like a damn club ad, but I just needed to tell someone, and I feel like if anyone is gonna understand, it is you guys.

    Enjoy my pain!
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    Dude, you're taking this all too seriously. When you're having anxiety about not making it to the club, it's time to take a step back and check your priorities. That's one of the first rules of clubbing--it's all about the fun. FYI--I had those moments when I was younger when I felt I really needed to get to the club to see my ATF. I understand where you're coming from. The club can wait, especially when you're choosing between it and a test..
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I don't drive nearly that far for a club... but I have had lots of times I've had to postpone a club run due to real life getting in the way. Life happens. If you f-up work/school there will be many fewer club runs in in the long run.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “Business before pleasure” - so goes the saying.

    If the trip will affect your test; then don't take it – the strip club(s) will always be there (most likely).

    One can't control everything that may possibly happen – will my ATF be there? - will there be hot girls? - will the world end tomorrow? - etc. - many things are out of one's control – that's life.

    There are always gonna be pros and cons to an action/situation so one can easily talk themselves out of doing many things in life and not taking chances – but w/o taking chances one often does not grow or experience new things.

    I too have wallowed back and forth on SC trips in the past until I finally took the plunge – and pretty much every time I came back from a trip I was in a great mood and happy I took the trip and had a spring in my step when I got back since I got to experience something new and also get away from the same ole same ole routine.

    Life is for living – b/f you know it most it will have passed you by – so enjoy when you can b/c you never know if tomorrow you may be able to (heath; finances; etc) – and thinking “what if ...” - you not going on SC trips and not enjoying yourself will not prevent potential bad things from happening – i.e. “I should not go on the trip and spend the $$$ b/c what if I lose my job at some point and I spent that $$$” - well – if you do end up losing your job at some point in the future you;ll be w/o a job anyway and not having had the experience – so you'll be jobless and blue-balled – there is always going to be a reason not to go or do something.

  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    If there was ever a cliche that was true about strip clubs, it's the "plenty of fish in the sea" one. Even if "your" girl isn't there, it's highly likely another one just as good will be there. That's especially true of a place to which you've only been once.

    Then again, eight hours *is* an awfully long way to go *just* for a strip club. That sort of trip does kind of require that you be more than a little certain of the results.

    Depending on where you are, you might try a shorter overnight trip to a place with more than one club, rather than a three day weekend to a place with one.

    Though in this case, it looks like Waterford is only about a half hour from Erie, where there is another excellent club, so you should be able to salvage something if Kandy is a bust.
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