does follies have a 15min pleasure room ?

avatar for jvTroop
Planning a road trip to follies in the summer months to follies in Georgia. Was wondering if their was a 15min room for full service or if you could just pay $50 per song until climaxing


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It is $52 to the house for 30 minutes. The standard fee to the dancers is $100 for that 1/2 hour. Some asking more and getting it. I think the dancer price is some what negotiable but not the house.
avatar for jvTroop
Dirty Cop
10 years ago
That isn't to bad. Although i will cum within 7min i suppose i could snuggle for the remainder 23 min.

$52 notes is a good deal for 30min. Thank you for the information i will make plans accordingly
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Ever wonder where the 52 comes from? Number of weeks?
Clubber - No. It used to be $42. It's probably bull shit but I have been told that the $2 goes towards replacing the sofas. More likely it is a tip to the floor guy that collects the money.
That is the cheapest half hour VIP price I have ever heard of in a club where I wouldn't fear for my life. You guys who can regularly visit follies are very spoiled by the low prices.
jv, an accomplished lady will take you to the edge and back off a little to stop you 'locking on' to increase your pleasure and get your moneys worth.
londonguy - That is wishful thinking. Most of them want get you off ASAP so that they can get back out on the floor and start working on the next customer. You are lucky if you find one that wants to give you your whole times worth.
avatar for jvTroop
Dirty Cop
10 years ago
London how do i go about finding such an accomplished lady ?
jv, practice the hobby regularly, follow the advice from your brothers, and patiently wait for the strip club gods to reveal her to you.

Or you can listen to Dougster and just follow the System.
avatar for joewebber
10 years ago
Oasis VIP rooms are less expensive $25, $30 and $40 I think
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
One club I frequent has a $50 room from Noon till 1PM. Never seen anyone partake. I was with a fave at one time, but when she wanted no less that 3 notes for herself, well, no thanks.
“… i will cum within 7min …”

Possible remedies;

1) slap the monkey a day or two before that way you are not as trigger happy

2) do two VIPs and you will probably go the distance on the 2nd one
jW is correct. Oasis has the vip room prices listed. The two times I've gone though both girls wanted $150
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