
Cell phone movie texter who refused to stop fatally shot by ex cop


Solution: Ban all texting in movie theaters after the previews start. Ban all people who keep talking during movies.
If the ban doesn't work, legalize shooting these people after you give them a warning to leave, shut up or turn the device off or die.
Simple solution to those with no manners. Let's get these new laws passed. It will make our lives more pleasant to know if someone doesn't have enough manners to leave a theatre after being asked politely to do so, someone with a gun will enforce the new law. More people will use something called manners or courtesy. If not, they will be exterminated. It works for those not wearing seat belts. Thousands dead each year nit wearing seat belts.

It works for thousands of people who spread the flu by shaking hands in church, thousands dead each year.

We can make this work in movie theatres too.


  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I guess if cinemas wanted to enforce a no texting, no talking, no electronic device use during movies ban, they could hire a bouncer to throw people out if anyone complained or monitor each room from a central location and start walking if they see someone's device activate. They might need listening devices to catch people constantly talking during the movie.

    I heard an old couple constantly talking during one movie. If someone knocked them out, it wouldn't have bothered me very much.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    For a minute, put aside the question of how this particular guy was allowed to become a cop. Shouldn't the norm be that retired cops have a permit to carry and retain their arrest powers, or know how to make a citizen's arrest? Typically retired cops draw a decent pension, and in many places retire young enough to double dip, so it doesn't seem like a lot to ask. Definitely a better option than shooting people for disturbing the peace.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I think there needs to be some means of enforcing or removing rude people from a situation where they are causing a disturbance to others. Obviously the manager could have taken care of the situation but apparently he wasn't to be found. So many people nowadays seem to have very short fuses and seem to have forgotten things like manners and courtesy if they even had them to start with.

    I don't seriously advocate taking someone's life for texting but the people texting do it all the time when they drive down the street. I read a study indicating they were worse than drunk drivers and I believe it. Another life was lost due to texting. It wouldn't have even made the news if it had happened while he was driving.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I'll agree if the ex cop was thinking more rationally and thought the other guy was breaking a law like disturbing the peace, he could have made a citizen's arrest and missed the movie he paid to watch just to get the other guy out of there and teach the other guy a lesson. A law against continuing to use an electronic device in a cinema after being ask to stop might be coming our way. Then maybe anyone could make a citizen's arrest if they got that angry. That would give them a last resort other than acting out violently if no bouncer or manager resolved the situation.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Persons with SHORT FUSES who are armed with guns are Fucking dangerous and SHOULD NOT be armed with guns in public.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ good thing you don't have a gun then
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    Lol !
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Texting on dates is now a commonly acceptable practice among the younger generation. I will not consider a second date with any woman who texted during a date.(Of course there are exceptions for genuine emergencies, which are rare.)
    OK, I'm old school and I find texting on a date, during church services, while driving or during sex annoying, but not something that should get anyone killed.

    In the old days, movies had ushers who could help you find a seat in the dark if you arrived after the lights went down and could enforce rules of behavior. If a patron got out of hand and would not obey the usher, he could signal the projectionist, stop the film and require the offending patron to leave before the movie started up again. Now, no usher, no projectionist, just rampant and unchecked bad manners.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I think this is a great example why downloading movies is safer for you yanks! Lol!
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