What's the appeal of being at a strip club at four in the morning vs. any other time of day. I live in the Columbia, SC area and had to work a real late Sat. night. Drove by Thee Whiskey Tavern and Platinum Plus about 5:30 AM and the parking lots were packed! I understand Crush is happening real late at night too. What's the appeal?
My schedule varies and sometimes I'm up very late. If I get the urge at the end of the "day" to go see some titties, are you gonna deny my Constitutional right to do so at 3 AM?
Motorhead got it right. Many people (mainly youngsters) who go to a bar on a Friday or Saturday night, will go to a strip club that stays open late, after the bar closes.
I'm one of the younger guys who posts on this site, and even I haven't been in a strip club during the early AM hours. But I plan on giving it a try when I'm in North Carolina for Spring Break, just to see how the atmosphere will be.
I used to work at an all nude place that stayed open until 4 a.m. and the younger crowd hitting the joint after the bars closed does happen.
More recently, I was a manager working a night shift where we closed at midnight and if I got all of my money counted and paperwork done it was around 1 p.m. and I could make a quick run by a club on my way home. This was before I read about all of the 2am'ers here on TUSCL. I would go in, find a dancer I liked, get a few dances before they closed and head home. Just a nice way to wind down after a night of work.
Where I go, they served up some darn good breakfast. Nothing beats eating a nice good breakfast after some drinking, looking at hot beautiful girls and getting LDs.
magicrat- Nah, there's a club in Winston Salem, North Carolina and they stay open until 4AM on Friday and Saturday. It's called Winker's. And best of all it's nude, BYOB AND they have 10 dollar dancers where you can touch. :) I love it because I'm so use to these shitty Virginia clubs.
Blue42TX- Strip clubs that serve breakfast? Did I read that right? That's a first.
Well... it depends on whether you want 'good' reasons or 'stupid' reasons. The only reason I can think of that makes any sense is that you're waiting for end of shift and hoping to get lucky.
On the other hand, there is probablly a ton of 'stupid' explainations. Such as: you're too drunk to realise it's 4am, the 2am shoot out is running late, you're too high to realize it's 4am, you're hpoing to sober up a bit after the club stopped serving at 2....
There are some strip clubs here in Columbus that will stay open as long as there are people in the VIP rooms. I have heard about staying open until 10am.
I've seen "legs and eggs" advertised at some clubs (i.e. a breakfast buffet for those who stay until morning). Personally, I don't need a free breakfast that badly :)
last commentI have heard some stories about guys getting lucky late at night because some strippers have not made enough money and are more desparate.
As for the Whiskey Tavern, the cars probably just belonged to guests at the motel.
Hell if I Fucking know! I DON'T go then. I PREFER to avoid the ASSHOLES trying to Kill people!
I'm one of the younger guys who posts on this site, and even I haven't been in a strip club during the early AM hours. But I plan on giving it a try when I'm in North Carolina for Spring Break, just to see how the atmosphere will be.
More recently, I was a manager working a night shift where we closed at midnight and if I got all of my money counted and paperwork done it was around 1 p.m. and I could make a quick run by a club on my way home. This was before I read about all of the 2am'ers here on TUSCL. I would go in, find a dancer I liked, get a few dances before they closed and head home. Just a nice way to wind down after a night of work.
Blue42TX- Strip clubs that serve breakfast? Did I read that right? That's a first.
On the other hand, there is probablly a ton of 'stupid' explainations. Such as: you're too drunk to realise it's 4am, the 2am shoot out is running late, you're too high to realize it's 4am, you're hpoing to sober up a bit after the club stopped serving at 2....