
Key West FL clubs.

Atlanta suburb
There are 5 clubs there. Two of them are just loaded with shill reviews. Adult Entertainment Club and Living Dolls.

Troop just took a big swipe at Living Dolls with his review.

What does it take to get these kinds off clubs kicked off TUSCL?


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I don't know, Shadowcat, but possibly Clubber could send some of the motorcycle clubs in South Florida down on a run to Key West and have them party in those clubs and tear them apart. LOL
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i got tired of seeing a new shill review for that club almost everytime i log into tuscl.
    i'm just setting the record straight regarding what's really going on regarding that club so that any unsuspecting tuscl visitor considering a vist there knows what's really going on.
    my opinion doesn't hold much water on how tuscl is run but my thoughts are if founder leaves those shill reviews up, i would hope that he leaves my explanation of those reviews up too.
    13 years ago
    Yes there's a plethora of reviewers who've only ever been to Livin' Dolls ... haven't even made it to any of the other Key West clubs! Imagine that!

    On the flip side at least Founder's formula has prevented Livin' Dolls from taking over the Top Ten. That must be frustrating whoever is writing all of the bogus reviews.
  • mo_youngblood
    13 years ago
    I think founder is way ahead of you. Notice the reviews totals are all around 3.75. He must already throw out the shill reviews. Are there any good clubs in Key West?
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I looked thm today. Yeah, it's obvious it was written by the same shill.

    But it must not take much to get a review posted anymore. I read a review this morning for a Kalamazo, MI club and it just was a dancer asking for her job back. How did that get thru?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Motor, link it so it can be flagged.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    that was easy enough to find georg, it's right here,

  • Sowhatt
    13 years ago
    The shill reviews always have a one liner opening on them. Something along the lines of "Couples Welcome!" or "Hot Times at Wherever!" Probably some formulaic marketing strategy that the manager learned at a night class at Shitty County Community College.
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    Who cares about shill reviews? In the grand scheme of things, they have little if any impact on anything.

    Posting a negative review just to offset shills is ridiculus. If you can not review based upon personal experience you offer nothing to the members. Pretty much everyone on this forum, except Douchester, exhibit reasonable enough intelligence to interpret reviews on their own.

    I find it comical members find it so important to try and maintain the integrity of TUSCL. It's a friggin strip club site, open to just about anybody with a pulse. There are many more important things in life to worry about controlling.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    just as i find your comments comical. the shill reviews are exactly what you're complaing about! they are not based on personal experience and i was pointing that out einstein!
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    And just what impact does a shill review have on anything?

    And if you post a negative review just to offset a shill, what exactly does it accomplish?

  • bang69
    13 years ago
    ok come on guys. Lets respect each others opinions even if we dissagee with them.
  • Sowhatt
    13 years ago
    Chant koombayah and grab the titty on either side of you.
  • troop
    13 years ago


    10/23/11 2:13 PM
    And just what impact does a shill review have on anything?

    And if you post a negative review just to offset a shill, what exactly does it accomplish?

    the answer to your question is in the review thread for the other shill club shadow mentioned.
    3 shill reviews and here are the cklub ratings..
    Ratings (out of 10)
    Physical Club: 9.33
    Dancer Quality: 10
    Dollar Value: 10 ()
    Overall Rating: 9.78 / 10


  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    And the impact is?

    Are you trying to protect us from scheduling the next flight to Key West to visit this club?

    A shill review has little if any impact on a club. A regular sees right thru it, and a novice may be enticed to visit. Hey maybe shills are a good thing. They may entice newbies to visit more clubs, which would benefit everyone in the long run.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    sure there isn't any impact, that's why you spend time here posting reviews and commenting on things, because none of it matters. that's why founder set up a rating system, because they don't impact anything either.
    afterall like you said in your first post it's just a friggin strip club site.

    what's done is done and i'm done with this matter now too.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    The shill reviews which comment on the "courtesy of staff members" other than waitresses are hilarious. Do guys actually notice anyone in the clubs other than the waitresses and strippers? Huh? There are staff members? Never knew!

  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Over time I have been to both. How anyone could be stupid enough to spend cash there, I just don't get it! Oh wait, a tourist area! Now I get it. When you coming down vm?

    I only know the nice bikers! No 2AM's in my group.
  • Dolfan
    13 years ago
    They Keys don't have a sufficient talent pool to staff a decent strip club. The isolation and economics of the area just don't produce what you need.

    That said, the ones there aren't awful. We'll usually pop in Teasers and Red Garter at least once during the Fantasy Fest week or around new years. I can't say I've ever been outside of those two times, but they've always had one or two girls who made the visits acceptable. I wouldn't consider going to Key West specifically for the strip clubs, or even leaving my hotel specifically for any of them, but if you find yourself on Duval I'd stop in.

    If you're interested in strip clubbing alter your schedule a bit to arrange for some time around MIA or FLL and choose from one or more of the multitude of suitable options. For the most part even a poor choice there will exceed the best option Key West has. Hey, if you stop by KOD you might run in to Bow Wow and Chris Brown!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    I beg to differ. I will agree that the KW clubs are not what they used to be, but there is still excellent talent down that way. There are three sources that I know of. The locals, of course, but the other two are were the real talent originates. Those visiting from Miami area clubs (and at times other clubs through out the land), and the Navy wife. The latter are often the best. Many times from exotic locations, and with very different sexual views than their American counterparts. Just my observations over the last 30+ years.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Right, Clubber. I didn't say that you knew the 2am'ers. But with the diverse groups of bikers down there, I have no doubt that clubs like that exist. We've got several biker clubs up here, I'd never tangle with. Highwaymen, and Vigilantes are some pretty mean hombres.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    I didn't say I don't know OF them, just don't know them. Anyway, their image can have a good or bad influence on any biker. Many will not mess with bikers in any case, so that can be a positive. But then, some think all are bad people. Negative.

    Bottom line, I am a lover, not a fighter!
  • Dolfan
    13 years ago

    I'll give you the Navy wives, but they come with a price. I'm a big guy who's been in a scuffle or two and I'm no stranger to firearms, but I'm not trying to deal with pissed off Navy husbands.

    As far as the Miami dancers, I've never seen any worth seeing. I'm in MIA fairly often and pretty regularly have girls asking me about the clubs down in KW and talk about planning to go down there for a while - but rarely do I hear about any that actually have. Seems easier to me to just go to the source...

    And the locals, I guess being young enough to have first hand experience with what little talent is there probably biases my opinion somewhat. I'll spare you my detailed opinion of them - being raised down there I've spent more than a few minutes lamenting the lack of talent and the reasons for it :)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Understood, but as I said, they aren't like they used to be. My favorite club was Teasers, but back even before Bare Assets was beside it. Also, there was the Pirates Den.

    I recall a Asian Navy wife at Teasers. She told me one time that her husband was in the club, but not which guy he was. She said not to worry, so I didn't. For all I know he was in the LD area with another dancer watching.

    I even took mt ATF down there from Miami, but she decided not to dance even though they said no problem at Teasers.

    I am jaded/biased by the way it used to be, because of MY age, no doubt.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Finally a non shill review!

    Adult Entertainment Club Reviews


    Member Since
    October 2011

    Last Seen
    October 2011

    Reviews: 2
    Clubs: 2

    • October 27, 2011
    Visited on: Monday Evening • Dancers on Shift: 1-5
    Ratings: Physical Club: 1 • Dancer Quality: 1 • Dollar Value: 1 • Overall Rating: 1.00 / 10

    My friend and I went in and paid for a session. The girl wanted a tip and I wanted to get some money out of the ATM. She said I couldn't use the machine my self, that the rule was she had to do it for me. Against my better judgment I let her have my pin number. I had been drinking a lot. Still my fault. I only tipped her $300. When I got home I found that in addition to the $300, there were two more charges for $500 each! Can you say Ripped off and scammed? Do not waste your time here!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Oops. I was just informed by GSWx4 that the reviewer was a shill for Living Dolls. So I flagged it too. Looks like we have the making of

    "Shill Wars". LOL.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i just logged in and saw that.
    no doubt a shill for living dolls but now they'll bring each others fake ratings down.
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