This past weekend with one of my Alberta OTC sweeties at my farm was my first use of chemical help. My doc suggested Cialis as best for me. Holy Shit!! No four hour boner, but Mr. Wood was alert and at full attention for close to two hours the first night. Three pops when the girl said no more that night. The old boy also regained most of the thickness of his youth AND he remained in diamond cutter mode all night.
My girl first accused me of having a penile transplant and then requested that I NOT use Cialis the next time we got together. Three pops on Friday, two more on Saturday, and I am hoping for another one before I take her back to Calgary this afternoon.
How common is this as a first reaction to Cialis? Is half or a quarter of a pill enough? Should I talk with Dr. Joanne about this incredible response? Or, does your body tone down its response to the magic drug over time and extended use?
I am sure some of you guys have much more experience than I do with these miracle potions.
You can experiment with 1/2 a pill. Probably will do the trick. There should be no decline in effectiveness over time, except for getting older in general. Enjoy!
For me, subsequent responses have leveled off at about 85% of the first few. I've been using it for about a year. I alternate between Levitra and Cialis, depending on how I expect to be spending my time.
Where half a 100mg Viagra was enough for me, I find that a whole 20mg Levitra is needed. I've never reduced the dosage of Cialis, but I'm going to be asking the doctor about the daily dose the next time I see him.
I have tried all 3 by free samples from my doc. Viagra works best for me but the primary ingriedent is still a female that can get me aroused. I did notice that there was a decrease in effectiveness after the first few uses. New toys only work so long.
The only problem with drinking is it tends to undo half of the positive effect of the ED pill. So if your objective is maximum effect, you should drink in moderation.
I get headaches and stuffiness after using Viagra and Cialis... worse with Viagra than Cialis. Anyone else have this happen? If I take some Tylenol afterwards it seems to help a little, but still don't feel normal. Is this just a necessary evil of using Cialis?
hoops: Yes, those are some of the listed side effects. FWIW, Levitra doesn't affect me with those as badly as the others, though they are still there. The headache, for me, is noticeably less obvious.
The only side effect that I feel with Viagra is a flushed feeling in the face immediately after taking it. That feeling usually goes away within 30 minutes.
Thanks for the comments. I experienced none of the side effects some of you have reported and my booze consumption was very restrained this past weekend. It is highly unlikely that I will have another chance to use the magic until Oct/Nov.
Is it possible that my powerful response to the drug can remain if I use it so sparingly?
From what I've heard, you should still get a pretty good response to the drug over longer term use.
Even though I'm younger than most of you here, I must admit I have tried viagra with exceptional results. To put it simply, even though I don't usually have trouble getting an erection, with viagra I'm a lot more sensitive and it honestly gives the _best_ possible erection...literally. I was really impressed.
Let's just say I'm glad this thing exists, because sure as hell when I get older I'm going to be using it a lot more. Right now, it's just the added boost every now and then. But I could see it being life changing for some people.
last commentWhere half a 100mg Viagra was enough for me, I find that a whole 20mg Levitra is needed. I've never reduced the dosage of Cialis, but I'm going to be asking the doctor about the daily dose the next time I see him.
Is it possible that my powerful response to the drug can remain if I use it so sparingly?
Even though I'm younger than most of you here, I must admit I have tried viagra with exceptional results. To put it simply, even though I don't usually have trouble getting an erection, with viagra I'm a lot more sensitive and it honestly gives the _best_ possible erection...literally. I was really impressed.
Let's just say I'm glad this thing exists, because sure as hell when I get older I'm going to be using it a lot more. Right now, it's just the added boost every now and then. But I could see it being life changing for some people.