
Seat belt usage up to 85% in South Carolina, most deaths are from those not wear

In recent news seat belt usage is now up to 85% of those still alive in South Carolina. Most deaths come from those not wearing seat belts so I see this percentage steadily improving. If not the easy way then the hard way.

Over 600,000 people have died from traffic accidents in the US I thought I read somewhere. If you know a bonehead who refuses to buckle up, ask them what they want on their tombstone. You may not get too many chances. In South Carolina most traffic deaths are due to the 15% of people who don't buckle up. I believe most traffic fatalities are due to not wearing a seat belt (among other reasons) in the rest of the country. Over 600,000 are now dead. Most were not wearing a seat belt.

In another 10 years we may have over one million dead from traffic accidents, most of whom did not want to bother putting on a seat belt.

People make a big deal about 9-11, Pearl Harbor, etc. etc. but they only had a few thousand dead in those events. How about over 600,000 dead and still counting? One million dead possible within another decade. Most of it due to people not bothering to put on a seat belt.

I thought I would post a public service message. Sometimes we never stop and think if everything seems routine. Out of those one million dead, several could have been hot strippers or wives or boyfriends.


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I'll be sure to put my seat belt on when getting lap dances at Platinum Plus in Columbia. I don't wanna get hurt.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Good advice for those who give wild lap dances! I can imagine the dancer asking what you are looking for. :)

    I guess society is just used to cavalier attitudes for those who don't wear seat belts but a terrorist attack that kills a few thousand people will keep everyone home and afraid.

    I thought if one hot girl gets her life saved because of my post, it would be worth it. I guess that might be a lost cause here.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I started wearing belts when I was racing my car as a teenager, long before they were mandated. Kept doing it, and still do. Not sure why people don,t use them, but I do have a problem with being told by bureaucrats that we HAVE to!!!

    Many things are good and bad for us, but in a truly free society, mandating that we must or must not do, well that is a slippery slide into tyranny.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    She can't blow me if she's wearing a seatbelt.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Thanks for reminding us all to wear seat belts sharkhunter. Couldn't have figured that out on our own. You should also start threads regarding not smoking or overdoing it on junk food while you are in the crusader/mother mode.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Accidents are natures way of ridding society of stupid people.

  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    As is often said, "STUPID SHOULD HURT!".
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    @sharkhunter. I prefer to read threads related to strip clubs. Please do not take dougster's advice and post about not smoking or overdoing it on junk food.
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