MBOT and Rajneesh, My First Visit

So we have all enjoyed Shadowcat's article about Tijuana Remembered, 1961 https://www.tuscl.net/article.php?id=22681
My first visit to MBOT was in the mid 1980's on a weekday. I was in San Francisco for I think a trade show. Wouldn't go there just for MBOT.
The Mitchell Bro's O'Farrell name was legendary though from the San Francisco newspapers.
So I got away from my show, walked around, found the club, and though I had not really planned this, I decided to go in. I was put off by the cover charge of around $30. I was not used to paying anything like that.
In I went. There was a Green Door Room, looked like it had restaurant booth type seating, and a girl would get on to the table and give you a live pussy show. Looked very DATY friendly too, but the girls are going to push hard for your money.
I went into the main area, a rectangular stage, theater seating on all four sides. One thing nice about that is that there are no drinks to buy. And of course following state law, no alcohol in the nude club.
Girl comes to me, asks if I want company and she sits down. Med to short height, med hair. Wearing a one piece outfit, not very skimpy, not thong back, and high neck. Mostly showing off her legs. She looked good to, in her high heeled pumps.
Light on makeup as I think was the norm with MBOT.
For me, looks wise she would have been fine as a GF.
She talks a little bit harshly and keeps admonishing me that she can touch me, but I cannot touch her.
Well it is hard to have a girl on your lap, and not put your hands on her somehow, just to steady her, and to make her feel welcome.
She did not sit across my lap, she sat with her back to me.
So this was nothing like what would happen years later with me at New Century and making out with the super cute black girl, no.
This MBOT girl was then always trying to get money out of me, and pinching my thighs when I put my hands on her thighs.
I was not used to passing out money like that. At the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, it was only a dollar at a time, and maybe 2 or 3 dollars per song at stage side. No private dances. That was more fun, and I got more good talking with dancers.
This MBOT dancer was really too much. I was finally happy to send her on her way.
And I had no provisions made for getting her outside or for seeing her after that.
Not pleasant.
Mostly I feel that this girl just thought she was better than ordinary people.
I mean what kind of a girl would it be impossible to see outside:
- Seriously attached
- Lesbian
Most of the others you could see P4P or Civilian.
This girl though, from the start, I had the feeling she was Jewish. It was looks and just how she talked.
So more clues would come when I read:
And anyone with any interest in strip clubs needs to read this.
During that era a high percentage of the MBOT dancers were with the Rajneesh cult. They would work 3 or 4 days at MBOT, then fly to Oregon and go to their compound. They would also donate most of their money to the cult.
Well, when I read that I knew that this girl had to have been part of it.
In most of our Eastern themed cults and religious groups you find people alienated from the religious traditions they grew up in. And this includes lots of Jews. And about the Rajneesh cult this is well documented.
And I had meet Rajneesh people before, and they had not made a good impression on me. They did act like they were better than everybody else. Some laughed at them living in an "Ashram", meaning community. But the Rajneesh people were very assertive in establishing their superiority.
And this was mostly coming from the women. And this has been well documented too, in that group it was the women who were the more dominant and outspoken. Wearing sunburst orange see-thru saris.
This woman in MBOT, dressed in a black one piece, med narrow hips, huge super firm tits.
After I sent her on her way, others were looking at me, dressed in a similar way, comparably nice looking, and maybe being more friendly. But I had enough getting my wallet drained. I was more comfortable with the Sunnyvale Brass Rail and HipHugger, and with the great experiences I was having in AMPs.
It would be more later, and after I had read about MBOT, and then read more and more about the Rajneesh cult, which did not last much longer. The leader got deported, then he died. And cult land and resources were confiscated, and there had been a plot to assassinate the county DA. It was in this later time that I came to understand more.
That group never worked at all after they got run out of India and tried to establish itself in the US.
But that they were able to draw lots of young women and men, including stripper grade women, and have them all fucking each other was a great accomplishment, well worthy of further study.
And the Rajneesh group still does operate today, in Pune India.
San Francisco was always too far for me, and too expensive. But years later I would be making out with a super cute black girl in New Century. But I learned more in AMPs, our local strip clubs, and then our underground strip club circuit.
I am cool now with handing women money. But I still think that P4P is not the best long term way of satisfying your desires. And if you are going to be involved with the sex industry, you want to be an insider, not an outsider.
I am sure that this MBOT girl, probably Jewish, as part of the Rajneesh group, completely sure because of how much she was like the other Rajneesh people I've met.
I say that this girl would have made a good GF, and people think the idea of an ashram and acting like they are superior is puerile.
Okay, but say I was going out with her. She would have been trying to impose the social conformity and materialism which she had grown up with and was getting from her friends. So even with its limits, the Rajneesh cult would have been an improvement.
I have never endorsed that group, and I don't think I would have ever wanted to have been a part of it. But still, there is much which I believe can be learned from it.
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