The Basic Fundamentals of the Hobby and definging success in the hobby

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Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

“I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.” – 1 Corinth 3:2

“I begin with the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praise is to God, Lord of all the worlds Most Gracious, Most Merciful Master of the Day of Judgment You Alone do we worship and You Alone do we ask for help Guide us to the straight path The Path of those on whom You bestowed Your bounties”

  • (Quran 1:1-7)

How do we judge success in the hobby ? is it by making a positive return on our investment ? yes and no.

First the No is a obviouse we spend money and will not see money come back as in playing poker or starting up a business.

Second the yes. If its not cash then what is the measure ? its busting a load. Busting a load is a win or what we call the measure of success on our investment of time and money.

Witch brings me to the main reason of this article. To bring to light the fundamentals of the game and how they affect the advanced concepts.

LDK is the foundation of successful clubbing. It’s the most affordable and the most likely to happen in any club wear at the minimum the girl can touch you.

When learning how to find the right girl that has the true focus on getting the job done even if it means dry fucking you ITC.

At this point I can hear some ask “ how does this affect the advanced concepts”

In the advance ideas is to take the clothing off and have the real deal and bust off. The main idea in the pick up arts is touching. See if you start off touching a girls hand then over time progress to hugging then so on it has been theorized and proven in the field that even without words it leads to sex.

See each time a girl does not regect your touch she subconsciously accepts you and over time this can be expoited to sex.

Back to using the LDK. One could in theory visit a dancer in a clean club and bust off ITC over severl visits that may take months to do and build or exculpate your relations with this bitch. You are littererly programming her subcoinculsy to accept having real sex with you.

What started off as busting in the pants will lead into busting in her pussy if exculpated correctly.

Be looking for future articles I will publish on this on how to exploit this situation

Good luck and gods bless my brothers

Free da juice mane


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