Rejected Review

First time in a long time

Bare Elegance
4824 W Imperial Hwy Inglewood, CA 90304
So my girl and I decided to visit after a long hiatus. Last time we were here together about a year ago. The place was pretty packed it we were able to get a table. They had a good number of women dancing, but no one reassy stood out to us. I didn't recognize any of the girls, so things must have changed alot since the pandemic. I did recognize a couple of the bouncers and the manager though. We exchanged some what's ups and how you doings, so that part was cool. Not too much else to report. Neither of us got any dances, although one black dancer did say hi to us and asked if we were doing ok, so that was nice.


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Not Enough Details Nude or topless? Cost of entry, drinks, LD's and VIP?
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Sorry, but this is TUSCL, not Yelp. Your "review" is too generic to be helpful to anyone, especially someone who has not been to this club before. Please read the TUSCL review guidelines*, rewrite, and resubmit with more details, especially about costs (cover, parking, dance prices if you know them, etc). * https://app.tuscl.net/reviews/add?listingId=4194
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