Rejected Review

Daytime decent

Rio Gentlemen's Club
13124 S Figueroa St Los Angeles, CA 90061
Thursday daytime visit at Rio. This was a few weeks back. Actually pretty decent visit. I like the club for the most part. It's a little dark. One stage in the center, with nude dances to the left as you walk in, bar near the back and restrooms behind that. Restroom is ok; not super clean. VIP dances are the reason folks go on Thursdays, as it's a bit of a discount compared to other days - not that it's a bargain. There was a good selection of black girls and latina girls who were in shape and good looking. It's not always the case here, as they can tend to have some overweight dancers. Maybe the roster is getting better, or maybe it was just this day. Talked to young latina girl who was quite attractive. Got a 2 for $40. Asked about vip and decided to go for it. She will definitely go above and beyond. We just weren't on the same wave length. She kind of moved around too much. Or perhaps this was intentional; not sure. So I left with what I would say a mixture of satisfaction and frustration. I haven't been back since, but kind of getting the itch. It's just hard to go to these place without spending a ton, though this particular day wasn't terrible. Would've been better if could have gelled more with the dancer. Cheers.


Not Enough Details You should have mentioned the price of VIP other than that review was ok
Not Enough Details VIP price? Discounted and full price.
Not Enough Details Always feel at a minimum reviews should cover pricing. Otherwise it turns into a self report of activities not a review of club. All I know here is he got a 2 for 40 and went to a VIP with no price revealed.
Cost of the VIP you went for?