Hadn’t been here for several years but I decided to stop in the other night and give it another shot. The place certainly shows it’s age as I walked through the door and towards the seating around the stage. It was certainly busy, even for a Saturday night, as a bachelor party or large group took up a good portion of the seating. Outside of that main party there were several other individuals and small groups scattered throughout the club.
I was surprised by what seemed like a low number of dancers working the floor. Unfortunately, that’s what happens when you have a large group spending lots of cash on the few girls who are working. Nevertheless I ended up having a decently cute redhead with nice, bouncy tits come up to me and start chatting. It wasn’t long before she had her hand on my thigh and was asking if I wanted to go for a dance.
After I said yes we strolled over to the other side of the club to the VIP room. The VIP room isn’t really much of a room, more of a long section with bench seating that’s still somewhat open towards the rest of the club. She led me to the end of one of the benches and showed off her skills, which were quite impressive, and rode me for a couple songs while I felt her up and cupped her breasts.
After a couple songs with her I went back out to my spot and stayed maybe ten more minutes. In total I was there probably 45min-1hr, having only been approached once. Overall I’d give the place a 5/10 and probably won’t be going back until the number of dancers increases.