Rejected Review

Fat Chick Dive Bar

Fat Jack's Cabaret
1682 Wall Ave Bock, MN 56313
Pulled into Fat Jacks today. Saw a pretty ugly fat girl outside with a fat bearded guy. Looked like she might be a dancer. Went inside to the right. There was no one to take my money. Everyone looked at my like I was a stranger - including another fat ugly chick. They all asked me if I was looking for someone like I was an alien and not a paying customer. I was non-plused a turned around and walked out of the dive bar that smelled like shitty beer. The entire excitement experience was about 22 seconds. It was so easy to leave this place behind. Fuck noooo!!!! Lol!


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Not really sure about the point you are trying to make. If you don't have anything to review, then just don't submit a review.