Rejected Review

Tale of two clubs

C-Mowe's Show Club
2107 Kingshighway East St Louis, IL 62204
This review covers two visits because they were dramatically different. I went by on a Friday in the late afternoon and the place was jumping! More cars in the parking lot than I have seen in years. When I went in the place was full of girls and patrons. I know the owner ( who has been the bartender recently) and I asked her what had happened. She said she had hired a new young female bartender, who brought in her friends as dancers and then the customers came in. I congratulated her on the new business. Admission and a bottle of water were 7 or 8 dollars. In the past dancer drinks are usually less than $10, but you always want to ask, Earlier reviews describe the layout and the “private” area, and nothing has changed. For the second review, I went by on a late Wednesday afternoon, and it seemed things had returned to the old ways. The crowd was much smaller and there were fewer dancers. There was a tatted male tending bar. I didn’t get a chance to talk to the owner about whether this was just a weekday experience or if they had really gone back to the prior arrangement. So, my advice would be, if you go by, set your expectations based on the number of cars in the parking lot. Low key, “handsy” fun can almost always be found. if you are looking for a party atmosphere, make sure there are more than 4 cars in the parking lot.