Rejected Review

First stripclub of 2021

The Club
130 Frost Rd Tyngsborough, MA 01879
It has been almost a year since I have been in a nudiebar, saw on face book this place was open. I arrived about 6;40 Club opened at 6 pm. Ten dollar cover friendly doorman got my cover back when he found out what I do for a living. Temperture check at the door, mask required to get in but did not seem to be enforced for customers, Dancers and staff wore masks. 3 dollars a soda, 5 a beer, 6 a mixed drink, Customers mostly older men and bluecollar. Dancer for the most part young thin white with lots of ink. not many that I knew from before, Little Asian AK, Elia late of Mac's two and Cloyie were about it. I did not stay long as I am coming off a injury but I will be back. There is a open lapdance room and a private VIP room but not this trip.