Rejected Review

It’s always a good time at follies .

4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
This follies trip was short and sweet!! I was able to leave work early that day so I decided to check out follies . It was around 3:30 , did my usual lap around the club to see who is all working . While making my round , I saw my favorite dancer . Now I legit don’t know her name but, she’s AA thick , has blonde hair(weave) ,from chicago gives great dances and HJ. So we go to the back couches , wait in line the because it’s packed as usual . While waiting we’re making small chit chat . Couch opens up she gives me a dance and proceeds to give me HJ. Best HJs ever!! If you can get one from her it’s highly highly recommended!! I will back again as usual because it’s follies , your money goes a long way here . Plus after 3:30 you can get free food during day shift . You can’t beat free food and a good HJ for under $100


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I think I kmow who you're talking about . She offered me some OTC .. Now I'm wishing that I took her up on it
Not Enough Club Details This is more of a personal journal entry than a breakdown of the club