I had a nice time, the staff in general are friendly. The bartender was cute, flirtatious and charming. She liked to accept tips in her cleveage. The dancers were attractive in my opinion, not 10s but all were nice to look at. I found a couple especially attractive and bought them drinks. The first was a young thin exotic looking (maybe Hispanic or native American? ) lady who told me it was her first night and seemed a bit nervous but was sweet and affectionate while she sat with me cuddling and rubbing my thigh. The second was a very pretty African American woman who had a spectacular round ass. My visit with her was similar to the first lady but her idea of thigh was far more generous. I wish I was able to give names but can't remember.
Overall if you're looking for friendly ladies more in the 6 to 8 range and a place that is a bit of a hole in the wall doesn't bother you this is a great place!