Rejected Review


Raider's Reef
6475 E. Golf Links Road Tucson, AZ 85730
I will lead with the disclaimer that my experience here has been very much hit or miss, with the emphasis on misses. My visits are based upon convenience and proximity (after business at or near D-M); I wouldn't make this a destination across town. With that said, I have had some great experiences with some standout dancers on occasion, but patience is required. Most of the Boat dancers tend toward the thick side (beware of excessive cellulite). That doesn't seem to detract from their popularity with regulars, so to each their own. As usual, the waitresses are hotter than most of the dancers. The good note is that some of the waitresses dance (do they rotate?), so that can be an advantage. I would only consider a couple of the dancers initially, but their numbers did increase as the night went on. The good news is that the experience with dances is pretty much n par with the old HL level. The challenge is in finding a suitable choice. It take a little patience. I'll go again, but when it's convenient only.


Not Enough Details Include cover price, drink price, dance prices. Add names of dancers. Include your specific dance experience. Talk about layout of club. From the review it is not clear whether or not you visited the club in preparation for the review.
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