I came with a group for my first time out at a club in a while and all the girls were lovely, beautiful and professional. I never got the “vibe” that they were desperate and they seemed to connect easily with guests. They even treated the women the same as the men and gave them lap dances. That was refreshing.
We had some food and it wasn’t really anything to write home about, it was very plain and very overpriced. That said I think that’s the norm for most venues. I enjoyed my night out and definitely will be returning in the future.
I believe the girls were strongest as one on one communication with the guests and sensual lap dances and were weakest when dancing on stage. However, can say confidently that Paper Moon is one of the better clubs I’ve been to. It’s clean and classy. I can only speak for this location, though, as I haven’t been to the second Paper Moon.