I arrived about 4:30 p.m. on a Monday and there were maybe 10 cars in the parking lot. Only about 6 or 7 customers were sipping beer/cocktails while watching ESPN and Fox Sports on <count 'em> 17 TVs . DJ was spinning light rap/trap/rock music to an empty stage. While I saw 2 or 3 dancers arriving over the Hour and half I spent there, they did not appear to be in a hurry to dance on stage for six customers. The dancers I did see dance on stage were very good Pole Artists and a couple took 3 dudes to the VIP for $20 lappers . They returned with smiles and a need to go wash their hands and/or drain the dragon. The problem I had with the stage dancers were the that they would dance two or three songs and then disappear to the dressing room. One would return to sit with a regular, but 90 minutes was enough for me to see that the scene would not improve until the numbers of customers and dancers achieved critical mass. As this was the night of the NCAA Championships, it did not seem that Polekatz NWI would be the ideal spot to catch the game. Although, there was no cover at this time of day and domestic beers were only $2, the girls who were Ghosts from the Stage were just not enough to extend my stay. I felt like a could do better at a Tilted Kilt or Twin Peaks.