Whatever happened to the quality of girls there? They've seemed a little trashy, nowadays. For instance, a dancer with dyed blond hair named Lindsay shows off her out-of-shape, cellulite body wearing tight outfits and have a trashy attitude on top of that. When I saw her up on stage, not too many people tipped her because of her out-of-shape body even though she had nice-sized tits. But then again, it's northwest Indiana, where the quality of strip clubs are sub-par compared to the clubs in the Chicagoland area. Speaking of Chicagoland, I've been to the Polekatz in Bridgeview and the club is a mansion, including a first-class quality of girls compared to Polekatz in Gary, where it's a shack and the quality of girls are average at its best. It's also annoying that a floor person is watching the dance room like a vulture, even though his job is to count the amount of dances each girl is giving him. But they are still worth checking out as long as they don't rip you off. It's good to be frugal sometimes because if you don't like the way girls are carrying themselves before you get any dances, you can always save your money.