
Comments by BJustpam

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Bit of an odd and disappointing visit
    Yeah I'm not a veteran with my 2 VIP dances throughout my life. But my first was with a dancer who was fantastic on stage and fantastic in private, so my sample size of 2 says that it correlates lol. And yeah I struggle deciding whether or not to name dancers on here. She's very young and fairly new to the club from what she told me and from OldWhiteGuy's review, plus I didn't specifically ask her about full nudity prior to going to the VIP, so it's not like she straight up lied to me. And she was still fun to talk to regardless. Maybe she'll change her VIP experience at some point. She wasn't either of the two that Nelly named, but I guess if anyone just really needs to know then feel free to dm me.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Hall Pass
    Jenna has long blonde hair now, from what I saw