
Comments by nottacop

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Twice the Fun
    Having been there throughout I think floor dances are completely done unless you reserve a large table for 100's
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Entertaining With a Price
    @Jed22, expect a vast majority (95%) to not allow mouth on mouth action even if it is woman on woman. A lot of the girls consider that as extras so they won't cross that line. But as far as 2nd base, just ask the dancer that approaches you what the boundaries are in vip when they try selling it to you, and because you bought a table expect a rotation of girls approaching you to sell vip. My advice is to know your girls type, ask the dancer their respective boundaries, and pick the one that aligns the best with both.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Entertaining With a Price
    @2Icee I know, I said as much in the review. That being said the conversion job they did on both vehicles is nice and sure as hell beats the $20 each way for a lyft.