
Comments by thechopsy

  • article comment
    2 years ago
    The Carnival Strip Club - Memories from Soho London
    I would certainly like to thank desertscrub for your well argued and finely crafted comment. I'll be honest and say that I did not realise a prize was on offer for such articles. Thank you so much for submitting my piece. I took the time to review some of your submissions to this site; they are certainly formulaic. Your preference appears to be for a profanity rich dialogue, peppered with wild and unsubstantiated accusations. I notice that, rather than engage with the subject matter, you prefer to make ad-hominem attacks, with a constant focus on parental lineage. Experience has shown that such discourse is most often rooted in a deep sense of personal inadequacy. I would encourage you to seek help for this. One wonders whether the administrators of this site believe that your activity here is likely to encourage others to contribute their thoughts and experiences with the community. Perhaps they instead see the value of comic relief. I certainly look forward to your response to this message. However, I suspect that regular readers can almost write your retorts from memory. Please don't surprise or disappoint us with anything wise or clever...
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Relaxed club with good private dances
    I've been to The Griffin twice in two months. It's pretty much as described in this review. Zero touching allowed as the reviewer added in his follow up comment. There is a separate roped off area, where you can have a private drink with a girl. For this you need to purchase (expensive) Champagne first. No touching here either, as it's in full view of the main club. They have two big screens with live football on match nights: Premier League and Champions League. It's a pretty standard pound-in-a-pint glass club like The Axe and others in London.