
Comments by R247

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Venom Sunday January 1-9-2022
    I agree with sexualchoc. All the floor dances I've had at Venom were $10. One girl did tell me she normally charges 15 but was giving me a discount...I'm becoming friends with one of the girls I can ask if it's a "set" 10 or if it's up to the girls.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    One Rule to rule them all
    I'm not sure why Mr. desertscrub thinks my review was a club ad or I'm a shill? I thought the review was very balanced and included in depth info. Overall I felt this review was negative. Maybe I could have been a little more harsh but I stand by what I said.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    One Rule to rule them all
    Yeah I went to Venom the day before Eden. And my friend said he wasn't impressed with Raiders. I'm not exactly sure why. I've been to Venom a couple times since this review lol. I agree, much more relaxed. Though a girl did get kicked out for giving me a dance after she "clocked out" I guess because she had already changed? I don't know. It sucked tho ...it was a badass dance and the bouncer comes up and says sorry they told me to tell you to go to the office. I should definitely make a Venom review now haha. Maybe when I come back next week I will. Right now I'm flying back home to the east coast. You guys stay safe!