Reviews by Wanderer51
Polekatz Northwest Indiana
9148 Melton Rd
Gary, IN 46403
2 years ago
indiana ain't chicago when it comes to strip clubs.
Arrived at 1745, 5:45pm for the civilians. Let at 2315, 11:15pm. The dancers do not really start showing up until about 8pm. Unless you like chilling and looking at sports arrive later then early....
Chicas Locas
6440 Southwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77074
2 years ago
all chicos locos ain't created equal
Cover: $9.50, arrived a little after 6pm.
Drinks: Modelo-$6.75, very good for a strip club. 11oz water-$5.75, not even 16oz. War looking at that water like my hands are bigger than this bottle
Valet: not sure...
2 years agoby