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Comments by ryszard1234

review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
Midway plus Gem a Superb place for a relaxing dance.
Same prices as in the rest of the clubs $7.05 a coke $20 a dance. The rest standard (same as Million Atlantis and Locomotion $100, $200, $300 except, that girls here know what they do, God they know
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for lemonhead1
Saturday sights at Atlantis
Agree, happened to me a too sometime ago at Dundas/4something highway and I was a little but enough drunk. Ended up spending the rest of the night not in my bed.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for zeus777
Great White North
My new favorite Katie
I am a beginner on this forum, so my voice has no weight, but I agree with Longball300. It is Canada, freedom of speach! I use to work in the US for 4 years: Minneapolis, Phoenix, Buffalo and Washington DC. Very different culture. First no full nude lap dance. Second (unless it has change) no extras unless very, very expensive "rooms" and it is illegal. One more difference it is not uncommon to persuade a girl to visit you and the prices are very, very reasonable. Ahort visit $300. 20 years ago in the Airport Club (Mississauga/Brampton) a girl offered me to visit her in her place $600. All this transactions take place at the very end of the day, many girls are a bit drunk. And they can talk (dirty) my god they can.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
Dance from Hell !
misterorange It is ainportant to me, that yo take time to write my - well not smart commens. And yesa I'v read your comments and I think I am getting there. I am not sure I will be puting more comments. Something important happened in my life, so I started vivsiting the clubs, but my resources are very limited, meaning I will stop as soon as I started. Thanks again for you comments and time sopent on my stupid stuff :)
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Bimluston
Friday afternoon visit to Midway
Do I understand correctly, that VIP areas are on the same level as main area (no stairs)?
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
Another dancer, different experience
Electronman, Thanks very much, it means a lot from you. I have found, that you have beeen quite an expert, I read all your reviews. You are smart and more importantly just.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
I know what I want and I got it
desertscrub. Obviously I must have disturb your self righteousness. It wasn't my goal. I don't know you and right away I can say, I don't want to. From what you write I conjecture, that all you know is from what you read. Here is a brief story about my grandfather, that might help you see the difference between what you read versus reality. My grandfather walked along a fence. He found written: "Ass". He wanted to stroke it, instead he got a splinter. Since that time he doesn't believe in all what's written. My advice, try it first and than talk.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
I know what I want and I got it
Again desrtscrub why dont you try and then we can talk. The pinkish girl dances in LC Atlantis and million. I do not know her name. But I am very easy to recognize - I am in a wheelchair and bouncers remember me, so each girl I danced with.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
Dance from Hell !
Guys I swear this was my experience. I have been trying to be as honest as possible and it was not easy, because first I thought I must have been doing it wrong, untill I talk with other guys. Those of you, who say it was a fake tell me please did you even had this so called "fs" (or "bj") in one of theese three clubs. How was your lap danse? Do you have an experience from other Toronto clubs? Can you honestly do the comparison? And Electroman - have you are you sure you know what cvoherence is? Deserscrub why not try instead of reading? Misterorange - I agree I do not have great sskills - it doesnt mean I am lying. Anyway, I warned you, it's up to you what you are going to do with this. By the way - any of you do you shared a detail experience from this area of the city? By the way - I an happy to give you my own email: markedaxe at gmail you are welcomr to continue the conversation.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for ryszard1234
Dance from Hell !
Hi Lurkingdog. Could you share your experience? I am really shocked, but I wander perhaps it is all my fault and I need the practice?