
Comments by Jello11

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Monday late afternoon visit
    Okay final update I promise, but I went back to the club briefly today after I saw their IG mention Mandy was in. However, in a twist when I finally talked to her apparently the brunette the whole time was Kat (Mandy must've left before I got there I guess). Got a few dances, great for the price (30 a song) but not much offered beyond that. Seemed pretty new since when I asked about the VIP she mentioned she hadn't done it yet and would need to ask about prices, lol.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Monday late afternoon visit
    Ah, definitely wasn't her then based on the pics. Probably was Mandy after all.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Monday late afternoon visit
    Yeah I definitely should've just asked the hostess/waitress. First time she went up on stage a new girl came to chat which lasted for the whole set before she disappeared into the back, and the one LD I got ended up happening during her second set I think. But whatever, more money saved for next time. Looking at their IG I'm guessing the brunette was probably Mary Jane, definitely wasn't Angel as the brunette like the previous poster said didn't appear to have any tats. I think there's also a chance it could've been Mandy too.