Comments by Fertil13
review comment
2 years ago

BuckMcNutter have you tried out the new VIP dance area? If you have, then how is it?
review comment
2 years ago

New York
You were right about Mons in the last. During the Covid years, the dances were in the open but very good. And, you could peek at mileage that the stripper does. I have not been there since they did the remodel and doubt I would ever go back until they remove or heavily reduce the booth fee. Even, Odyssey only charges $6 for the launchpad and it is not for each dance.
review comment
3 years ago

They check ID but I did not see them scan mine. But I have been there before so they kinda know me. And the hours on google maps is right that they open at 8pm even though the strip club door says they open at noon. Last thing is that I was there for 20 to 30 minutes and I came near midnight. So it could have been my timing. Someone will need to confirm that they actually got rid of the $10 dances because I not sure if my dancer wanted more money. Now their prices are the same as others but spearmint does not hold up against a good amount.
review comment
4 years ago

I’m not deserscrub but I think it’s an ad because the original reviewer wrote that he paid the $75 for vip and $300 to the dancer. The person paid four times the price of VIP and just describe the lap dance as “bliss” but does not elaborate at all. And then the review pretty much promotes the club at the end. The last part contradicts his rating of the value at club. He rates the value a 6 and the dancer a 7, yet he encourages a visit for the “goddess.” This is just my opinion
review comment
4 years ago

No I meant what customers pay the dancers. I did not have to pay something to get into the lap dance area. Most clubs have an admission fee. But Deja VU lap dance area is less private than other clubs so it kinda balances out.
review comment
4 years ago

Thank you for this review. You saved me a worthless trip. $50 for one dance is either funny or crazy. And $12 for a trip to the lap dance is the highest I’ve seen. I also wanted to know if there were still any open dance so appreciate that information.
review comment
4 years ago

Good review. And way too expensive
review comment
4 years ago

Mikey, just shut the fuck up. You are talking tough on the internet. You call me a bitch, yet you obsess over one club so much. If you do not like then go somewhere else and ignore it. I may be new but I can tell your presence ruins the mood.
review comment
4 years ago

I wanted to confirm that Vush is a different person from me. We don’t have similar writing styles or anything that shows we are the same. We just had a good experience at Odyssey which set Mikey off on us.
Thanks for your comments minnow.
Lastly, mikey if you wasted over $10000 over odyssey then that’s on you not them. You chose to go to this place multiple times but blame the place for keep letting spend that much. I don’t support strippers giving shitty service for big bucks, but I would not constantly go back after the second time. Mikey you need to calm down and take a vacation off this site.
review comment
4 years ago

Good review Vush. I can see that Mikey is obsessing over anything good said about 2001 Odyssey. I believe that Mikey might actually work here because his comments are so negative that it makes you interested in Odyssey. I think Mikey is using reverse psychology to make people try this place with low expectations. So if it is better than what you expect then you would likely return. But, honestly I think Mikey was banned and tossed out by a bouncer or he just works here. Judging by his comments online, I can see his aggressive and obsessive personality getting him bounced. Maybe he got robbed by a regular and flipped out. But, he likely wouldn’t calm down so they had to toss his ass to the curve. I mean this dude commented on 15+ posts and know intricate details about this place. So, he has a deep connection here.
review comment
4 years ago

First of all, thank you Vush for your comment. You seem like a cool guy.
Second, MrEddyG, the Vue is a strip club in Pasco County. It is about an hour away from Tampa, and they offer extras. If you don’t mind the trip to Bare Asset, then the Vue is about 20 minutes away and worth the visit. It has the lowest prices for a room, starting at $75 or $80 for 15 minutes and $150 for 30 minutes. There is no additional charge to get in room but extras will cost additional.
Lastly, Mikey eat a dick. You are getting riled up because people like a strip club that you hate. Everyone has different opinions, especially on who they find attractive. So, people will find some strip clubs better than others. However, you seem to think everyone has to hate Odyssey or they are a club ad. I don’t care what your issue is with that place, but you seriously need think about the time you put into bad mouthing that place. Like, anyone who regulars this site knows about your BS. You don’t need to comment on every supporter of Odyssey. Just ignore it and go somewhere else.
review comment
4 years ago

I did go to Scarlett. And why do you seem to think everyone has to like some clubs? I have to went to Scarlett four times and it was good. It’s just that I don’t like it enough to frequent it. If you (Mikey) like Scarletts or any other club then just go and appreciate it. Stop commenting on other peoples experience and denying it without any facts. I can name three strippers from Scarletts if you want proof?
Talia, Anya, and September