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Comments by Acxel

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4 years ago
avatar for Acxel
Hot Florida Nights
I'm happy just getting a good BJ every once in a while lol
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4 years ago
avatar for Acxel
Hot Florida Nights
@CJkent Not sure what you're talking about because there were can/video on phones back then. It wasn't professional video or pics. More like shaky almost unwatchable video of her sucking dick and the Dp was from the back and you could only see her ass and side tit with an obvious guy behind her and a guys face underneath her. You couldn't see actual penetration but you could hear it. The pics were better as far as clarity but still not great. But yeah it was a while ago and I might have forgotten the total details and the exact year. I mostly remember this was AFTER I won my bodybuilding contest in 2001 so that's what I base it off of , not sure when iPhones got cameras but I've never owned one so I wouldn't know.. like I said we had an adventurous sex life and I loved it. We had many threesomes with other girls... And honestly even then I still cheated because I'm a man lol and always want what I can't have. So maybe out of guilt and curiosity and the mood eased me into being ok with it. Kind of like "she deserves one for her self" kind of thing. I did feel the jealousy and frankly it bothered me that I got turned on by it. I tried to tell myself it was the drugs and it wouldn't happen again. But I thought about it often even now and get excited. I was angry about her doing this when I passed out, but that was my fault and I'm the one that put her all horny and on E and G in that situation. He basically called his friend initially to re-up and I guess his friend stayed. Crazy enough is that he wasn't good looking and not in shape and it pissed me off that she would have been ok with him touching her because she was way above him. But then thinking about the fact that she was so horny that she just didn't care exited me as well. I probably need to see a shrink. But if it helps I now am in a sexless relationship with a prude. So that's why I'm here to check out which SC to visit where they have acceptable extras.
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4 years ago
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Hot Florida Nights
I'm aware of Ghb and it's effects. NEVER use it with alcohol or you could die in your sleep from not breathing. Is was a bodybuilding drug and it was sold in GNC even at one time. Increased euphoria and decreases inhibitions. It wasn't until assholes used it to rape girls that it became illegal. I also used it with x which was a stimulant although by itself helped with REM SLEEP and increased growth hormone release. Bodybuilders used it in place of alcohol because it doesn't have calories or give a hang over. Btw no I wasn't born overseas and yes toxic machismo is rampant in latin american countries. I think it's fucking stupid though and outdated. Also I had to only make ONE paragraph because I'm limited on how many words and had to delete and compress some of the story. And again you can choose to believe me it not. It's irrelevant to me. I'm not looking for believers or friends I just had a fun story to tell so I can get my free vip.
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4 years ago
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Hot Florida Nights
Well I'm not a English teacher. I'm not gonna show you show a bunch of strangers pictures or videos. I don't know you or care to and I also don't need any one to believe me. We had a crazy sex life you can accept it or not. Sorry your lives suck that much.