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Joined Jul, 2020
Last Seen Jul, 2020


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5 years ago
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Still Closed
@joewebber Heard it from a buddy who heard it from a girl. The girl also said that the valet put up cones on the…
avatar for JoeATL
5 years ago
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I agree with @Papi_Chulo. Platinum is probably temporary. If Follies had problems in Chamblee, imagine what problems they'll have in Buckhead a few feet…
avatar for JoeATL
5 years ago
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@doctorevil maybe that was it. I didn't park in the marked street parking spaces. I parked on the other side of the street. I…
avatar for JoeATL
5 years ago
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Still Closed
@Jay104 thanks for the review. I went to Platinum and it was decent. A lot of girls from Follies were in there but it…