
Comments by JimmyIN

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time for everything
    Got it. I went to Vic’s trust me I went out if my way to go here. And I realize now I exaggerated with their ages (granted im 24 and look like a kid so idk how old anybody is any more). Either way I’m either going to check out Atlantis in Philly on Saturday or BU next week. I’ll post more detailed reviews on them.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time for everything
    Ok. So at BU there is actually a kitchen you are taken to? I’m sorry for the confusion I read the reviews on both BU and Vics before deciding to go to Vics and all I kept remembering was both mentioned 20$ or 25$ “for the kitchen”. Also, maybe the curtain was black I can’t remember, this was my first time getting extras and I was nervous as hell.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time for everything
    Haha. I couldn't be more real with this review. Maybe because I'm in my early/mid 20s, 30+ is considered old to me. But I def wasn't complaining. They way everybody described Bottoms up was “grandmas”. Here the ladies I saw are more like Milfs. With the exception of the one you g gorgeous black girl I saw. Either way I’m talking about Vics. I do want to try Bottoms up though.