
Comments by Missysocks

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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    Interesting I guess I will cross Portland off the list. Had no clue about fake reviews and from other dancers that have worked out there I have heard good things, but duing this whle covid crisis it probably sucks their too.
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    24. I also dont generally like preforming on stage. Im not the best pole dancer but i love lap dancing which is why this whole covid thing sucks. Especially whem you go on stage bare it all and feel like your not getting tipped well especially when it is a two song set. Let me know if you guys have any other questions for me!
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    Thankyou everybody for enjoying my responses and muddy for the interview. To answer his final questions 22. Where do other dancers bitch about working in Phoenix and where do they seem to like working? Other dancers in phoenix bitch about the snowbirds coming and going especially in the summer months when most clubs are at their slowest. I would also say the stricter rules in comparison with other clubs and states like California. They also aren't to fond of new girls that come and go with season changes. 23. What’s one move in bed a guy does that you love? What’s one move that you absolutely hate. Moves in bed I love are getting eaten out haha again massages but i also love bjs depending on the guy lol and doggy is my favorite. Rougher the better! Moves I hate are guys that are selfish in bed care only about gettibg themselves off and juat quick to put it in without giving the girl foreplay first. 24.(from Heelover) Do you ever enjoy tipping the other dancers (even if a customer gives you the tipping money) and do you like it/like to play around with them when they sit at the stage and/or tip you (other than the money of course)....or do you not really care for the stage dancing part. This question is in "normal" times of course, not covid/current times Yes if one of my friends come on stage I love supporting them by tipping them
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    (14 continued I apologize for the choppy response doing it on my phone with long acrylic nails😂) *romantic liking to me. Girls felt like I was getting special treatment and sometimes I was, such as not having to pay house fees sometimes and girls felt some type of way. Other than that I try to stay out of the drama and keep to myself. 15. I would love to dance in Vegas sometime just for a weekend or so. I have heard good and bad things about Vegas but would still like to try. Another place would be Portland, Oregon since their are many clubs and have heard the ladies there make bank. 16. Im sure I have but they havent told me in person at least. I have had them message me on this platform because at the moment I am doing OTC dances/ meetups. 17. I have a few times and did not feel guilty because they were either very rude or very drunk. For example this guy wanted a double with me and this other girl in the VIP in deja vu coi and of course we up charged him more. I typically dont so those things too becajse ladt thing you want is a reputation going around the club that your a scammer. 18. Not extremely upset. But I have had customers be mad if I cannot do extras, see them outside the club, lower prices sometimes, Just very petty things. 19. Nicest thing a customer has done was give me a graduation card and gift and congratulate me. I also have had customers gift me little gifts when they travel and I think it is sweet when they think of me even outside the club. It is also sweet when I get massages and men ask how my day is going and really seem genuine to listen to me and how my days going. 20. Jack and coke or jack and ginger ale my favorite! 21. Yes but depends on how much, what club, the person, and what kind of extra! Thankyou for reading(:
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    10* Sorry i pressed send too soon. Work wise covid has been a shit show in this industry. Especially the clubs in Cali and AZ. Have been patiently waiting for things to return to normal so I can return. Most clubs are only offering stage shows and I make most of my money in dances so it doesn't work for me. 11. OTC horror stories include having some customers follow me home or try to creepily stalk/ watch me in the parking lot when im off. I have also had obsessive customers that try and search me online find out where I live/ go to school/ my number/ etc. 12.I like when customers look put together, smell good but not overkill with the cologne, good breath especially and wear clean clothing. Not necessarily dressed up but don't look like a slob either. I dislike when customers show up in gym shorts or smell bad or where dirty clothes! 13.You usually cant tell exactly where a customer is from. I am also still somewhat new to the area so I can't pinpoint differences either between those cities. 14. Yes I have. At skin I saw this other dancer that I thought was cool with me speak to this customer but it was obvious he wanted to speak with me and called me over.He wanted to VIP with me not her and made that clear. She was hurt that he didn't want a VIP with her and instead chose me. She confronted me after saying I should have turned down his vip dance which I thought was ridiculous because if it was the other way around I would have just let her go and make her money. Also other dancers at HL just being catty/ trying to intimidate you especially when I was the newer girl ans because one of the managers took a romantic
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    4. Im from Cali actually so yes I have mostly customers and some dancers. I do miss Cali and used to work at Deja Vu COI which was my fav. I feel like there is more money to be made out there and clubs are a lot higher end for the most part. 5. I have been dancing since 2017 when I was 21. I have always wanted to try it but was to shy and nervous to go in solo. It wasn't until I caught up with an old friend from high school that was a dancer that convinced me I should go on and try it at her club. That is what ultimately motivated me as well as the cash lol. I ended up loving that club and industry for the most part and stayed. 6. Things that customers do that is a turnoff are compare me to other women/ dancers and the experience they had with them good or bad, excessive complaining and rudeness, being cheap and seeing how much they can get away with, trying to pry to much into my personal life if they dont know me. Turn ons are gifts especially for a bday or graduation, being a regular and coming to see me even if it is just to get one drink or dance, and making me feel special like they care. 7.No ranking system but I tend to target customers that seem to take an interest to me (stare, tip on stage) or someone that is sitting by myself, seems nice, and is generally older 40+. I try to avoid the younger guys especially in loud rowdy groups unless they want to ask me for a dance specifically. 8.Experiences I regret in VIP were giving in to customers about extras and getting caught lol when I knew that it probably was going to end up happwning and should've gone with my gut and said no but did it anyways oh well Ive learned lol or times when I have been very tired from qorking all night but agreed to a VIP just before leaving. 9.Hottest experiences in VIP are when the massager men love coming just to please and massage the girls the entire VIP. It is a turnon and also relaxing. Love my massages! 10.
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    4 years ago
    Raising Arizona: Talking to Missysocks
    Thank you! 1. I have worked at Hiliter and Blue Moon as well as Skin Caberet in Scottsdale from 2019-2020. Currently I live in Northern AZ by Sedona and have taken a break from dancing since the Covid crisis. But I do plan on returning to BM and HL once things start returning to normal. I would like to try out Petes Place Cab in Payson since I don't live too far. Has anyone be there if so details? 2. I worked at HL starting Jan.2019 up until end of 2020. In my short time there changes have been rearranging the VIP area so that privacy is limited (booths no longer facing the wall) more cameras, stricter security, one foot must be touching the floor during a vip, no lap sitting on the floor, and as of lately no vips whatsoever or lap dances since covid which is why I havent bothered returning. Which in short these changes are obviously not making any girls money or having clients returning at least not for dances. 3.BM was chill I mostly worked days there. Little drama good money and it was fully nude which I loved. Less rules and less strict than HL. However at BM dances had to work a min of 5-6 hrs. BM is only night shift now so I will be returning once they have day shift again.I aldo liked the fact BM doesn't serve alcohol simce it is fully nude.