
Comments by donnor69

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The Legendary HongKong
    Raiding HK. I remember one night I was sitting at the bar watching a foam show then someone turned all the lights in the club on and I just saw 30 armed police with ski masks come in and checked everything top to bottom, then just casually left. It was very strange but extremely startling. And the drink is pretty much safe with the waiter, but don't leave your drink with the girl you are with to go to the bathroom, etc.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The Legendary HongKong
    Its on and off, but I do see armed police raiding the club quite frequently for routine drug inspections. Ive also witnessed a few assaults and shootings around the area. Its still quite dangerous in TJ unfortunetly.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Worth a Try
    To be honest, I didn't know this website existed until a few weeks ago. Otherwise I'd write a book worth of experiences I've had in TJ