
Comments by TheKnow

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Does A Stripper Make?
    Well guys, as a relatively new entertainer myself here in the small state of Ky I worked just 10 hours last week and raked in 2800 dollars. I've worked for several months while putting myself through nursing school and cleare over 12 grand each month. I do not conduct any shady business. I would say I am above average looking, have high intelligence and I do attract the more affluent gentlemen "clients". I strictly dance I am extremely professional. Most everyone have dancers/entertainers/strippers pegged as drug heads or whores that's simply not the case. However yes there are those as with any industry that do these things. Generally it's the younger girls that come in and the money looks good unfortunately they get caught up in the lifestyle and turn into what we call "lifers". I just purchased a $600,000.00 home. It is what you make it. For anyone looking at going into this industry know your "choice" is automatically frowned upon. You automatically be viewed as less than and less than a human being for your choice of work. However keep in mind baby no matter what anyone says about you the average person or anyone frowns upon this industry more than likely does not clear what you make i'll keep your heads up and smile but always have a back up plan go to school do not make this lifestyle choice a career because looks will fade in the body will eventually had self enjoy the money invested spend it wisely and just make smart decisions is the only advice that I will give anyone considering or anyone that just decided to go into this. Keep in mind that as I said I am above average so my pay rate is a bit more then someone that would be below average or less intelligent or less attractive it all depends on the girl at the end of the day whether you are above average or below average in any of these go in there radiate confidence that is the key and here is another tad of information that will be helpful the girls say "work smarter not harder" you do not have to be a pole wizard or know what you're doing on the pome you could do floor work and walk around the pole as long as you do it in a sexy mannerism you will generate profits. I'm looking at a 250-300K year. Hopefully this is helpful in the question "HOW MUCH DOES A STRIPPER MAKE". We make bank lol. I'd hate to think what I'd make in a more populated state.