avatar for JackieJax


Fort Lauderdale, FL
joined Jun 2017last seen Apr 2019
I'm a dancer who lives in South Florida. I've also danced in Cleveland, OH. I'm a classy-type of girl who enjoys learning new pole moves and I'm one of the most down to earth people who you would ever meet in a club.

Comments made by JackieJax

discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for Estafador
Going to the club just to look?
Great question. All too often (at least a few times on any given day that I'm working) I come across someone in the club who just sits back, and eyeball f***s every girl on the stage without even getting up to tip. When any girl approaches them they get completely uncomfortable and don't really want to admit that they're broke. It makea the girls feel like the guy is just a douchbag. If you don't want a bad rep, don't go in broke. And if all you plan on spending is $1 to tip a girl on stage with, don't go trying to catch a quick grab of her pussy while you're at it. Good way to get kicked with a stiletto heel and thrown out.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for goosman
On A Booty Hunt
More Miami Strip Club Videos
I actually havent seen that club yet. Sure it's in Miami?
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