
Comments by stripvet423

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Yeah the area is sketchy. You don't want to be driving through DC to the club. Too many bad surrounding neighborhoods. I have had this lady come up to me several time. She claims to be a school teacher but looks like one of those old folks who had no future plans and still has to strip even at her age.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Okay night
    Thanks for the advice man. I still think the $10 tip was fair though, I think its of it as going to a restaurant and giving the waitress more tip for a simple gestures. The food might not be good but the gesture still counts for me. And I don't really want them to care about me though because i have a girlfriend who already does that. Maybe that is the reason i usually don't worry about how the girls think about me. I do however think its good you point out the counter productive part because i never really thought of it. I usually end up getting more bad dances than good ones because i sometimes worry about them taking their shoes off just for one dance. That is really insane from my part that am not more worried about the service am getting than I do worry about them. But now that i think about it, they are working so they should make sure they provide good service, its not my job to worry about how they get the money if the service is not good. From now on, its all one and done if I don't get a good dance. And ohh i did not add this part to my review because I was not sure if it was appropriate or not. I saw this short dark girl littering f**king a customer right next to me in the left corner. Am not even sure that man had a condom on. She had two chairs in front of her to block the view. She was bouncing to the music but anyone who looked in our direction for a couple of seconds would have probably noticed what was going on. I think the dj MAY have seen it because I later saw him looking in at her and talking to the other female DJ about the girl. Anyway wild night, just not for me.