
Comments by StudlyJohn (page 3)

  • review comment
    8 years ago
    be careful, con artist
    She is a hot girl. She talked to me a few times and was always vague about what she was willing to do. I turned her down and she ignires me now.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    No Warning
    I have been led to believe that they got rid of several girls that had been there before for excessive drug use. I guess some drig use is to be expected. I once had a girl there offer greek since it was her time of the month.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    OK place
    I've been there several times and for me it has never been as good as some other guys reviews all have been like yours.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    New Mexico
    She wants you naked first before she will tell you what her proces are for various sexual acts. Cops won't get naked
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Susie has cahnged her name to Courtney. Perhaps to get guys who have seen bad reviews of her online going for another girl. Did try calling her when I was last iine town got full voice mail box. Checked out both LS and she was the only somewhat appealing girl at either and having had a less than stellar time with her in the past I passed and svaed some $$
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I mentioned that so that if you ahve to go you better go before you get there. Like when you buy your drinkss as this is a BYOB place. I think I noticed that problme in the past but since was not needing the TP never registed. t will now.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Disease Infested?
    So who had you worried?
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    slow and boring
    Well since I wound up talking to one girl for a total of about 5 minutes she never brought that up. So I have no clue about VIP or anything else at this club other than waht I mention here. Although suspect the guy who went into the back with the hot girl was getting a VIP from her, I can not state that as a fact. He could have been there to sell her car insurance. I think this place used to be called Amnesia, a girl I knew who worked at Fluffers up the road in Sparland texted me last year abut a new plae I could come see her at it was called Amenesia. I looked it up on a map and it was in the same part of town as this place. I never went there.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    When i was there there were not even any girls to see.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I-94 is a good hour drive from Rockford. I-39 & I-90 have exits in or near Rockford
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    This place is getting increasingly unimpressive....
    If the clubs in Iowa re like the ones in Illinois then the reason the girls hide in the back is that they can smoek back ther but not out on the floor. Asked it here and that was the asnwer one fo the girls gave me, she di not smoke (only one in the club) and tolds me she hated it in the back.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    owner died
    I am friends on facebook with one of the dancers there. She just posted that she would be there tonite and to come on down and bring her some beer (she is only 20 so you could get in trouble for that). So at least for now the place is business as normal. May take awhile for things to change if they do.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Hit or miss
    New guy sorry. Having not read any reviews before I worte these as I was not yet a VIP member and had not this been able to read any not sure all what to put in either tis or the 2 reviews I did nof places i Rockford I went to last week. Also figured beinga new guy and not having the review put up that someone in charge would have read that info before apprving it. I did send update details the hour changes. I do not recall the prices of things. One thing I should add is although they say they open at 8 that is when the crew and the first few dancers arrive. If there are any of them on stage by 9PM it is a miracle so best to come about 9:15 or later.