
Reviews by StudentoftheGame

  • review
    5 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Same old song and dance...
    Stopped in on a Tuesday night around 10:00. The cover was $15 and a mandatory beverage was another $5. Hadn't been in a few months...nothing has changed. The music is WAY TOO LOUD, and...
  • review
    6 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Need new talent...
    I still drop into Fantasy's every 3-4 months, just to see if there's any new talent. Tonight I got to the club around 10:00pm. It was a $15 cover charge and I had high...
  • review
    6 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Need some new talent...
    Stoped in on a Saturday night. Hadn't hit the club in quite awhile, and thought maybe there would be some new talent. No such luck, it's the same old faces that have worked this...
  • review
    7 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Fantasy girls...
    Hit the club on a Saturday night...about 10 girls, and the cover was $20. Stayed for about 3 hours...the place was pretty slow. Only 1 girl got fully nude on stage. There were never...
  • review
    8 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Trinity Turner...
    Stopped in over the weekend. Heard there was a feature dancer performing (Trinity Turner), so I decided to check out her act. The place was a lot busier than usual and Trinity...
  • review
    8 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Chanel is a star...
    Stopped in on Friday night for a couple hours and had a blast. Lots of hot girls, but Chanel is still the cream of the crop. She's model pretty and has an...
  • review
    8 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    All-star game...
    Was in the area and decided to stop by Fantasy's on a Tuesday night. Got there around 9:00, and it was pretty dead...maybe only 10-15 customers and about a half a dozen dancers....
  • review
    9 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Top notch talent...
    Stopped in last Friday night...cover was $20, and there were about 15-20 girls working. Of those 15-20, I would say at least a dozen were top notch talent. We'll start with the...
  • review
    9 years ago
    962 W Commerce Dr Traverse City, MI 49685
    Worth checking out...
    I've been to Fantasy's a few times this summer. The club is clean and there are usually 10-15 girls working. The cover charge is a bit steep at $15, but there are...