
Comments by TBlair.usn

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    This guy was a really good friend of mine. I used to work with him in the construction business before I moved on to work for an oil company. I wasn't with him when this happened, but from the reports I've heard, it was right after midnight, the guy who hit him was a former bouncer at one of the two strip clubs (about a year ago), his girlfriend video taped the whole thing and then they both ran, but were arrested in SD. Dean was an innocent bystander from what all of the eye witnesses say, he didn't know this Silar guy, and didn't have any previous altercations with him. I hope they nail the bastard with every possible charge that they can get him with. Williston can be a very cool place with lots of nice people, but sometimes you get those assholes that ruin it for everybody, and apparently Silar is one of those assholes.