I wanted to go to the sundowner but I hear they are not a nude bar is this possible that they only stript down to the thongs or is this a rumor I was told by lovley b/f who in fact told me they did not go nude but if anyone ever gone to visalia sundowner they know that girls are either naked or not .. I'm not jelouse I just want to be able to go invite him for a drink at lunch anyone know the atmadphere at lunch 2 pm I'm feeling like I need to go take him to spice up our in the bedroom brsides I'm down will I be the only women there I'm not shy I want to watch as well first time for evrything . Just curiouse if good idea
I want to know what best time to get lap dance day night same dancers not yet knowing if day girls are pushy incase I cant tip as much as I feel they deserve
Same thing happen to me over in visalia calif. Sundowner the girl there made me melt never wanted to leave . Now my rightiouse s/other has left me over me going in first place .I'm glad I did I never been the same scince she fills the desire I crave no regrets ....
Comments made by martha