
Comments by one8seven

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    As Expected
    Going to be in SD again soon and it's been a few years...is the way to make it to the border still uber/park at jack in the box? And do the taxis/area still feel safe after the whole election and things like that? Didn't know if the relations personally had changed between the people. Thanks!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I was in San Diego and...
    It makes the wait shitton longer without it but if you have a US drivers license youll be able to get back across. Asked the questions, mentioned the clubs down there so they pretty much knew what was up when we were coming back at 4am. Save yourself the hassle and bring a passport/speedpass though...thinking they were going ot not let us through fucking sucked, haha
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    Went to The Men's Club on...
    ran into the same treatment myself