
Comments by riftech

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Don’t go before 7 PM
    I was there friday daytime around 2pm. I was surprised there were 10 girls (usually around 5 girls). The weekend day shift isnt that great.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Standoffish Dancers maybe?
    Yeah after 11pm in the weekend, there more demand than supply. You have to chase girls down. I like this place between 1pm to 10pm.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mid-Life-Crisis are Real
    $100 for a generic chair or you stand!!!
    I totally agree with you the whole reserve Table thing during the evening is annoying. The only time I saw my table protected was if I had an open tab with my waitress during the beginning of the evening shift. I to have left early if they took my table with a drink on the table while I step out to the restroom. I like this place better in the daytime and only go here because the ladies here aren't so robotic like other places. The club is very spread out compared to most clubs in the area. Great review.