
Comments by bham

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
    Thanks uscue! This is helpful stuff and I will definitely download the Duolingo app.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
    San jose guy: im choosing chicago club just because i had the most fun at that club the last time i went and although hong kong has more to offer, i just prefer the vibe of chicago. Thank you l00ber for the insight. Def want to not stay at the one that doesnt sound safe but wouldnt mind a hot tub one. Unfortunately dont speak spanish so dont know how much convo can happen but def would want that gfe if i have my own room
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
    Ya plan on staying there the most vs the other clubs
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Hustle Is Tooooooo High
    yea definitely agree with idea of having a big group being a setback along with wanting attention on a friday and sat night. Def need to try a solo trip soon on a weekday! thanks for the tips