
Comments by DonnyR

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Fun club......but expensive!
    Thanks guys!!! Really appreciate the input. Going to be back in Tampa mid-November and will check those places out!!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Fun club......but expensive!
    I know man.....it's just that there's soooo many clubs in the area.....might have to take a vacation day just to read up on which ones are best to go to ?? Kidding.....I'll read up! Thanks!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Fun club......but expensive!
    I've been to Mons before......but as far as I could tell all dances took place on the side of the club? Like where you're sitting right next to another dude. I've never been to any of the clubs over by Ybor or in Clearwater.....what are some good ones to check out? I saw some on Adamo Drive - don't mind a little variety in ethnicity - but didn't venture over that way.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Great time at Adelitas
    I parked in the outlet mall parking lot on the right side of the freeway and walked over the bridge to the border crossing.....think it was cheaper.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Great time at Adelitas
    Paid her $80 - $60 up front and then $20 as a tip