Comments by Dn2plz
review comment
25 days ago
I'm glad that you gave a detailed review. Others have hinted about what's available but it's been too vague to to know for sure and it's probably been 15 years since I've been there so it's nice to know that things are still like they were then. Are the women all Asian? You said that you saw a blonde which I'm guessing would be non-asian?
review comment
2 years ago
I'd love to know the name of the brunette. Feel free to PM me.
review comment
3 years ago
Just curious what makes this a shill review or club as it seems to match every other review for this club and seems pretty accurate to me? Seems like another case of an out-of-towner commenting on something he knows nothing about.
review comment
3 years ago
Once again desertscrub offers his opinion of a club he knows nothing about and has never been to, only because it's the person's first review. Either come to Ohio and and visit these places and you'll know these are legitimate reviews, or keep your opinions to yourself. With you always discrediting people's reviews they're going to stop offering them and then none of us will get any information.
review comment
3 years ago
Desertscrub, you should leave your comments for the clubs you know something about and stop bashing reviews of Ohio and Michigan clubs that you know nothing about. Your shill/club ad reactions to legitimate reviews are way overdone.
review comment
3 years ago
bearded wonder
Desertscrub if you didn't spend all your time bashing other people's reviews (especially of places you obviously never been) you'd know this is a legitimate review for this unique 2 in 1 club.
review comment
3 years ago
Desertscrub obviously hasn't been here either. He needs to get out more or stick to comments about clubs he's familiar with and quit criticizing legitimate reviews. I've had your exact experience at JB's and wish I was able to get there more often.
review comment
3 years ago
Mku, disregard desertscrub's shill review/ club ad comment. He says that to almost everyone if it's their first review. He's obviously never been to Ohio clubs. He's done the same to me until I confronted him. I personally think he should mind his own business and stick to what he knows rather than bashing people who are trying to share good information. Your review was spot on - thanks for sharing.
review comment
4 years ago
It's not actually a nude club. They do topless dances but keep bottoms on. The reason for no alcohol is that the particular area of the county is dry so alcohol is prohibited.
review comment
5 years ago
No masks required. Temperature check as soon as you enter. No restrictions on contact from what I've experienced in the past. This club has been described many times by me and others in previous reviews so doesn't need to be repeated every time. Just read the reviews Minnow and Whodey.
review comment
6 years ago
That's a pretty presumptuous assumption for someone with no reviews. Maybe it's time you do a little research yourself and not critique mine. If you doubt my information make a trip there yourself. I think I have more than proven my reviews are legitimate.
review comment
6 years ago
Golden pussy syndrome i.e. thinks it's made of gold and expects to be compensated as if it was.
review comment
6 years ago
TheeOSU, I don't know if you've ever been to the club but jjjbbb31's review is legitimate. No need to question it.
review comment
6 years ago
Desertscrub, for someone who is apparently not from the area, or been here, your assumptions are wrong. Chaosmedic's review is accurate.
review comment
6 years ago
New York
I think he meant Roadhouse if it's across from the casino and a nude club as House of Babes is on South High Street and is more of a bikini bar.
review comment
6 years ago
Was wondering if anyone has seen the new dancer Pandora? Recently when I've called in the evening I've been told she's working but haven't met her yet and wondered what she looks like and how she compares to ones mentioned above as I've seen all of them. Thanks.
review comment
6 years ago
Can you clarify was the total $120 made in 2 payments of $80 and $40 or was this in addition to the $120 stated initially for 20 minutes? Thanks.