
Comments by soupsplatterer

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    1st time visit
    It's a small detail, and you may not have noticed, but I'm wondering when you went downstairs to piss... Was the far side of the bar open for seating? A lot of stuff happened over there back in the day...
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Back At Pin Ups Wiser And Ready
    I get it and I understand. I had some of the same issues until I got a couple of points really clear in my “routine”. 1. Know first that the dances’ business is your pleasure. She’s trying to get all that she can from you. You have to make sure that it’s what you want so you’ve got to set the stage. 2. I dress professionally, but relaxed. Think successful businessman sneaking away from responsibilities to unwind. 3. Mingle. I like to find a corner best for mileage but will often get up to get drinks, play pool, restroom or talk to dancers casually. Each dancer wants to lock you in, but you want to stay polite but meet EVERYONE. Chances of getting what you want increase DRAMATICALLY if each girl knows what you’re looking for and that you’ll send them away with ten dollars and a polite dismissal if you don’t get it. 4. Ask. I don’t buy drinks, but I’m more than willing to talk to girls. I SAY I’m looking for chemistry but I’m really interviewing (indirectly) for mileage. This part is the hardest as these girls are MOSTLY interested in your pockets and want to do as little work as possible, but time and economics are on your side! Play it cool and take your time. You may not find super high mileage girls in the first couple (or five) conversations but you will find them and usually sooner than later!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Party's Over at Blaze...
    Yeah, it's an unfortunate update, but it is what it is. Where do you guys sit when you go there for maximum privacy and maximum contract?
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    Ok, back at this...
    I like to get max value from a club too and hate bullshit from the dancers!!